Theology and Religious Studies

Degrees and Certificates


THL 1000 : Faith, Reason, and Culture

Introduction to sources and major thinkers that have shaped responses to fundamental human questions that underlie all religions and shape the human search for meaning. Engagement of religious truth claims, themes, values, and witness as resources for analyzing and critically evaluating contemporary cultural challenges.


Credits 3

THL 1050 : Christian Theology: An Intro

An introduction to Christianity from the viewpoint of Christian theolgy, "faith seeking understanding". A theological study of the world view and core narrative of Christianity as found in its scriptures and in its traditions of practice and belief. Includes an orientation to academic study of religion and to theological method. Only one 1050/1051 course may be taken. Either is a prerequisite for all other THL classes.


Credits 3

THL 1051 : Christianity in History

The emergence, growth and transformation of Christianity: doctrinal developments; institutional issues; and the historical development of Christianity from its origins in the eastern Mediterranean up through its eventual world-wide expansion, with emphasis on Christianity's role in the emergence of western societies. Ways which Christian symbolism and ritual have shaped the lives of ordinary people in the Christian world. Orientation to the academic study of religion. Only one 1050/1051 course may be taken. Either is a prerequisite for all other THL classes.


Credits 3

THL 1500 : Spirituality & Healing Arts

Discovery of practical spirituality through engaging select contemplative practices; deepening of individual spirituality and the discovery of the presence of God in practicing healing arts; exploration of connections with self, and patient, care; particular attention given to Christian contemplative traditions.


Credits 3

THL 2320 : New Testament Letters

Critical analysis of Pauline and Catholic epistles; structure, meaning, contiuing vitality and application; use of textual redaction, and literary methods.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2330 : Johannine Literature

Critical analysis of the Gospel and Letters of John: Structure, meaning, historical, development, continuing vitality and application; use of textual, source, form redacation and literary methods. Prerequisite: Introductory bible course or permission of instructor.


Credits 3


THL 1051 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or THL 1050 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2400 : Archaeology of the Bible

Contributions of archaeology to biblical study; the cultural context of people and places depicted in the Bible explanation of archaeological methodology and history of excavations in the ancient Near East and the Holy Land; discoveries relating to the Bible. Cross listed with Honors.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2460 : Bible and Environment

Exploration of biblical perspectives on the environment through a variety of key characters and their relation to the land and other creatures. Attention to historical treatment of the ecology in Christian and Jewish theology and engagement of contemporary ecological issues.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2490 : THM Biblical Studies

Critical analysis of biblical themes, biblical theology, spirituality and ethics as well as their reception in history and in culture. Attention in theory and practice of exegesis and biblical interpretation. See department website for announcement of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2590 : THM Historical Theology

Historical development of theology by topical or chronological arrangement. See department website for announcement of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2750 : Augustine: Then and Now

Exploration of connections between our time and culture and Augustine's time and culture; study of select sermons and letters of St. Augustine; comparison and contrast of 'snapshots' of moments in Augustine's experience with 'snapshots' from the 3rd millennium.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2760 : Augustine's Influence & Legacy

Exploration of Augustine's influence on western theology - the nature of the human being, the existence of human freewill, the nature of human sexuality, the nature of grace, the role of Christ as Savior, the extent of God's salvific will for humanity.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2780 : THM Christianity in History

Emergence, growth, and transformation of Christianity from its origins in the eastern Mediterranean to its worldwide expansion. Ways in which Christian symbolism and ritural have shaped the lives of ordinary people. Major writings, controversies, and events. See department website for announcement of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 2795 : Ritual and Religion in Italy

Religion in the Italian peninsula from Roman times to the contemporary period. Centrality of Catholicism in Italian history. Role of Catholic belief, ritual and symbolism in Italian everyday life. Institutional, popular and heterodox forms of Italian Christianity.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3200 : Understanding Jesus

The historical Jesus and questions of method; christologies of the early Christian sources and councils; the later tradition of Christological reflection; comtemporary trajectories.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3250 : THM Problem of Evil

Formulations of the problem and historical attempts to solve it. See department website for announcement of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3300 : Church: Unity & Diversity

The origins of church as community and its relation to Jesus; development of the church within history; the ministry of the bapitized and the ordained; teaching, leadership, service functions; the role of women; the church's relation to public discourse and practice.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1850 :D- or HON 1827 :D-

THL 3355 : Death and Dying

Psychological, philosophical, and theological contributions to the search for meaning regarding dying, death, and belief in afterlife; practical issues; biblical perspectives; the views of other religions; contemporary Christian theological reflections.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3400 : Sacraments

History of Christian sacraments; sacraments as celebrations of life in God; theology of worship as fulfillment of being human; present and future shapes of Christian liturgy; applications to particular sacraments, e.g., baptism, reconciliation, eucharist.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3450 : Pastoral Care of the Sick

Treatment of theological understanding of the sacrament, anointing of the sick. Examination of primary texts on on pastoral care from the Roman Catholic Church, and spirituality of caregivers. Pastoral-theological exploration of entire range of care provided to the ill and dying.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3600 : Liturgy, Cultures, and Justice

Study of historical development of Christian worship and prayer, from its roots in Jewish and early Church thought and practice to liturgical reforms of the twentieth century. Attention to cultural influences on liturgy and Christian understanding of connection between worship and justice.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3700 : Catechism of the Cath Church

Theological analysis of the most recent official statement (Cathechism of the Catholic Church, 1992, ET 1994) of the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3710 : Roman Catholic Identity

A critical exploration of the Roman Catholic tradition in the light of the student's personal experience; identity issues and church membership of young adults. Restricted to seniors or juniors or permission of instructor.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3720 : Apocalypse Then and Now

The end of the world in present-day imagination; Christian hope/anxiety through the centuries; biblical apocalyptic; endtime views in the early church; significant figures and movements; beyond the millennium.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3730 : Feminist Theology

Examination of feminist theological methods and goals; theological reconstructions of Christian understandings of nature, humanity, God, sin and salvation, the church and its mission from the perspective of women's experiences.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 3740 : THM Liberation Theologies

Theologies emerging from specific struggles for liberation in Latin American, Africa, Asia, and North America; their context, content, and critique. See department website for announcement of particular themes;


Credits 3


THL 1051 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or THL 1050 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1850 :D- or HON 1825 :D-

THL 3760 : Faith, Identity, and Calling

Systematic reflection on "big questions" about discovering life as journey and "work" as calling in conversation with writings in the Western traditions - ancient Greek poetry, Christian wisdom, contemporary fiction, memoirs. Requires sharing faith experiences - or their absence and doubt.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 4100 : THM Catholic Ethics

Contemporary Catholic ethics. Foci include economic justice, solodarity, poverty, racism, environmentalism, technology, agriculture, and Catholic social thought. See department website for announcment of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 4310 : War and Morality

Just war, pacifism, and feminist critique--three Christian traditions of relfection on ethics and warfare; conflice and overlap across these traditions; close examination of historical illustrations of the conduct of war.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D- or HON 1003 :D-

THL 4320 : Markets and Morality

Analysis of market economies - do they promote or stifle human welfare, freedom, and the common good? What does Christian discipleship require in the marketplace? Use of sources in Christian ethics, Catholic social thought, economics, and other disciplines to answer these questions.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 4330 : Christian Environmental Ethics

Examine foundational theological issues and major christian thinkers on the environment; in-depth study of synthetic chemical, agriculture, and treatment of animals; and weekly class discussions on various practical topics in environmental ethics.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1850 :D- or HON 1827 :D-

THL 4340 : Ethics, Justice and the Family

Interdisciplinary investigation of the moral and theological importance of the family in Christian ethics; traditional and revisionist approaches to sexuality and marriage; the family as a school for justice and virtue.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 4480 : Introduction Biomedical Ethics

Development of tools for critical analysis of biomedical ethical issues. Reflection on ethical issues in society and personal lives. Focus on a distinctively Catholic Christian approach to these matters.


Credits 3


THL 1050 or THL 1000 or HON 1825 or HON 1003 or HON 1053 or THL 1051 or HON 1827 or HON 1850

THL 4550 : The Contemplative Tradition

Exploration of classical Christian teachings on silent prayer and meditation. Focus on both the theoretical understanding of the ancient practice of contemplation and its practice in daily life. Interdisciplinary approach through reading ancient Christian and contemporary authors.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 4990 : THM Spirituality Studies

Study of Christian and/or non-Christian spiritual voices, movements, traditions, or themes (western or non-western, local or global) in ancient, medieval, early modern, modern, or contemporary times. Exploration of relationship to theology, faith, culture, and practice. See department website for announcment of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5000 : THM Religion

Evolution and development of central themes or concepts in the academic study of religion such as visual culture; violence and conflict; politics; law; myth and/or ritual; interreligious dialogue. See department website for announcment of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5001 : THM Presence/Absence of God

Major seminar. Theism and the atheistic critiques of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; the problem of God in western culture; contemporary retrieval of the doctrine of God as Trinity.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5003 : THM Catholic Studies

Investigation of distinctive elements of Catholicism: ecclesiological, historical, sociological, moral, spiritual, theological, biblical, liturgical, among others.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5004 : THM Theology and Culture

Study of the mutual interplay between theology and culture and the practical ways in which theology and culture interact in various historical, political, social, and economic contexts.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5005 : THM Global Rel. Experience

Exploration of non-Christian religions, religions in non-Western regions of the world, religious beliefs and practices in a broader global context, or experiences deemed """religious""""."


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5100 : THM Judaism

Development of the religious tradition of the Jewish people; the Torah, the Talmud and other commentaries; Jewish ideals in ethnic literature. See department website for announcement of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5180 : Islamic Political Thought

Integration of Islamic philosophy, religion, political science and history; the state in pre-Islamic Arabia, the Qur'anic concept of the state, the crisis of succession, Muslim theorists, revival and reform.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5200 : Religion in Russia

The history, mind, spirit and life of Russia Orthodoxy; its influence in its adherents in the modern, complex and pluralistic world.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5260 : Mysticism: East & West

A comparison of non-institutional forms of religion through the mystical texts from the Indian, Chinese, Buddhist and Christian traditions.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5270 : Religion in India and SE Asia

The doctrinal and social history of the religious traditions of India and Southeast Asia: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Sikhism; the role of these religious in con- temporary Indian and Southeast Asian societies.


Credits 3


HON 1825 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or THL 1050 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5280 : Religion in China and Japan

The doctrinal and social history of the religious traditions of East Asia: Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Buddhism; popular religion and state cults; the role of these religions in contemporary Asian societies.


Credits 3


HON 1825 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or THL 1050 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5290 : Hindus and Christians in India

A multi-disciplinary examination of the two-thousand-year history of encounter between Christians and Hindus, highlighting areas of commonality, difference, exchange, interaction and identity formation. Exploration of historical modes of engagement: antagonism and distrust, reciprocity and mutual benefit, dialog, fulfillment, and hybridity.


Credits 3

THL 5400 : THM Science & Religion

The interaction of science and religion from Galileo to the contemporary period. theological implications of recent developments in the natural sciences. See department website for announcment of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1850 :D- or HON 1827 :D-

THL 5410 : Theology and Film

Exploration of connection between theology and film and of the ways that filmmakers """do"""" theology. Survey of the literature on the subject and analysis of films and filmmakers that have demonstrated theological sensitivity and/or interest in theological questions and themes."


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5420 : Modernity and Crisis of Faith

Analysis of so-called "New Atheism" through the lens of Soren Kierkegaard. Exploration of Kierkegaard's diagnosis of this "crisis o faith" and his understanding of the religious life.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5450 : Religion, Art, and Science

Study of religion, art, and science as aspects of persons and cultures. Exploration of theology and ritual as they relate to societies, cultures or persons; and the artistic (or aesthetic) dimension of religion, the scientific, and the personal.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5500 : One Church, Many Churches

The issues that divided Christians in the past; developments in the major traditions since the divisions; factors which may aid in the reunion of Christians; confront issues at this time.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D- or THL 5100 :D-

THL 5820 : THM Religion in America

Religious thought, institutions, movements, symbols, performances, and lived religious experience in the Americas. See department website for announcment of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 5840 : Feminist Ethics

Theories of moral development and the cultural construction of identity; impact of women's says of being and knowing on ethical decision making. (3 cr) Diversity; Women Studies.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D- or THL 1051 :D-

THL 6000 : THM Theology or Religion

Exploration of issues in religion or religious studies and theology or theological studies. See department website for announcement of particular themes.


Credits 3


THL 1050 :D- or THL 1000 :D- or HON 1825 :D- or HON 1003 :D- or HON 1053 :D- or THL 1051 :D- or HON 1827 :D- or HON 1850 :D-

THL 6050 : Internship

Supervised field experience in an approved setting (e.g., social service, teaching).


Credits 3

THL 6051 : Internship

Supervised field experience in an approved setting (e.g., social service, teaching).


Credits 6

THL 6300 : Research Seminar

Research seminar for TRS majors. Individual or group projects that participants design with the help of a faculty facilitator. Emphasis on active role in the learning process. Exploration of fields and topics of interest to students that connect theology /religion with culture.


Credits 3


THL 5001 :D- or THL 5002 :D-

THL 6500 : Advanced Seminar

Capstone experience for TRS majors. Consolidation and synthesis of knowledge gained in the research seminar. Preparation and delivery of student-lead conversations. Involves students communicating their explorations or discoveries. Includes a final product.


Credits 3


THL 5001 :D- or THL 5002 :D-

THL 6600 : Portfolio Review

Assessment of portfolio materials that document students' general, broad knowledge in their specialization.


Credits 0


THL 6300 :D-


THL 6500

THL 7500 : Christian Spiritualities

Various Christian spiritualities; spirituality for various groups encountered in the ministry of the deacon. Intensive team-taught summer course. Restricted to Deacon Formation Programs.


Credits 3

THL 7520 : Pastoral Care

Specialized treatment of techniques and issues in the ministry of the deacon. Intensive team-taught summer course. Restricted to Deacon Formation Programs.


Credits 3

THL 7610 : Archaeological Techniques

Daily, on-site instruction in the methods, techniques, principles, and problems of field archaeology, including excavation strategy, research plan development, excavation tactics, analytical techniques, hands-on experience in archaeological recording and surveying, plan and section drawing, the study of pottery, and analysis of finds. Course is offered as part of the summner Biblical Archaeology Program in Israel. May be taken by graduate and qualified undergraduate students.


Credits 3

THL 7620 : Advanced Technique

Techniques of recording and analysis. Evaluation based on performance of advanced duties in the field. Course is offered as part of the summer Biblical Archaeology Program in Israel. May be taken by graduate and qualified undergraduate students.


Credits 3

THL 8115 : THM Bible and Culture

Exploration of biblical texts, traditions, and themes and their cultural settings. For detailed information, see department website.


Credits 3

THL 8125 : THM New Testament in Context

Treatment of texts, topics, or themes in the New Testament. Special attention to their context. For detailed information see department website.


Credits 3

THL 8145 : THM Judaism

Treatment of topics, themes, or tought leaders in Judaism. For detailed information, see department website.


Credits 3

THL 8445 : THM Catholicism in History

Exploration of topics, themes, and issues in the history of Catholicism. Focus on Catholicism in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and South/South East Asia. For detailed information, see department website.


Credits 3

THL 8455 : THM Christianity in History

Exploration of topics, themes, and issues in the history of Christianity. Focus on Christanity in the Americas, Africa, and South/South East Asia. For detailed information, see department website.


Credits 3

THL 8480 : Texts In Contexts

Introduction to crucial, foundational issues in history and historical theology; the study and use of primary sources; ways of "doing history" (method); and types of historical inquiry.


Credits 3

THL 8700 : Theology Among The Disciplines

Intersections between theological studies and other disciplines of inquiry, for example, philosophy education, religious studies, and the natural and social sciences.


Credits 3

THL 8800 : PastMin & CounsPract I

Integrated approach to academic, human, theological, spiritual dimensions of Christian ministry. Exploration of contemporary theology of ecclesial ministry, origin, evolution, function of ministry within Church; Church's teachings on baptismal vocation. Includes ministry practicum (10 hrs/wk) approved by instructor.


Credits 1.5

THL 8810 : PastMin & CounsPract II

Topics include ministry of Jesus; ministry of Church in the world; role of laity in ecclesial ministry; stages of faith development; prayer and spirituality; professional skills; ethical and pastoral practices; leadership models; theological reflection on ministerial experience. Includes ministry practicum (10 hrs/wk) approved by instructor.


Credits 1.5

THL 8840 : THM Human Grwth/Faith Developm

Exploration of theories on human development and the development of the Self; stages of human growth and of faith and/or spiritual development; significance of human growth and faith or spiritual development in pastoral ministry/care and in spiritual direction. See Department website for announcement of particular themes.


Credits 3

THL 8850 : THM Loss, Grief and Theology

Exploration of content/theory on dying, death, grieving/bereavement; grief assessments, interventions, therapies; child and adult grief, process/stages of grief; types of grief reaction; "the loss of self" in grieving processes; coping with unexpected, traumatic loss/death; role of religion, faith, spirituality. See Department website for announcement of particular themes.


Credits 3

THL 8999 : Capstone

Capstone Course Must have completed at least half of course credits toward degree.


Credits 3

THL 9105 : THM Bibical Intrepretation

Doctoral Seminar. Treatment of topics or themes in biblical intrepretation. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9115 : THM Reception of the Bible

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of topics or themes in the reception of the bible. For detailed infromation, see the department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9125 : THM Hebrew Bible in Context

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of texts, topics, or themes in the Hebrew bible and its contexts. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-Phd students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9135 : THM New Testabment in Context

Doctural seminiar. Treatment of texts, topics, or themes in the New Testamentand its contexts. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9145 : THM Judaism

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of texts, topics, themes, or thought leaders in Judaism. For detailed information, see department, website. Open to non-Phd students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9155 : THM Bible and Culture

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of topics or themes in scripture and their cultural settings. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9165 : THM ANE or Greco-Roman World

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of texts, topics, themes pertaining to the Ancient Near East or the Greco-Roman world. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9305 : Major Voices in Christian ETH

Doctoral seminar. Exploration of the writings and ideas of thought leaders in Christian ethics. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9315 : THM Catholic Social Thought

Doctoral Seminar. Treatment of topics or themes in Catholic social thought. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9325 : THM Comparative Ethics

Doctoral seminar. Elaboration of moral beliefs and practices of different people and cultures in various places and times. Understanding of such beliefs and practices in light of social, economic, and geographic circumstances. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9415 : Modern Christianity in History

Doctorial seminar. Treatment of topics or themes in the history of modern Christianity. For detailed information, see department website. Open to PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9425 : Ancient/Medieval Christianity

Doctoral seminar. Exploration of topics, themes, and issues in the history of ancient and medieval Christianity. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9465 : THM Christianity in History

Doctoral seminar. Exploration of topics, themes, and issues in the history of Christianity. Focus on Christianity in the Americas, Africa, and South/South East Asia. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9505 : Living Religion/Methods in SPI

Doctoral seminar. Exploration of questions and research methods in the study of spirituality. Open to non PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9600 : THM Religious Studies

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of topics., themes, or thought leaders in religous studies. For detailed information see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9610 : THM Comparative THL/Religion

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of topics, themes, or issues in comparative theology or comparative religion. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9620 : THM Global Christianties

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of topics, themes, or issues in Christianity/Christanies in the global world. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3

THL 9630 : THM Interfaith Studies

Doctoral seminar. Treatment of topics, themes, or issues in interfaith and intercultual studies. For detailed information, see department website. Open to non-PhD students with approval of program director.


Credits 3