CHE 1102 : Material Balances
Introduction to chemical engineering processes and modeling them with material balances.
Credits 3Prerequisites
EGR 1200
Introduction to chemical engineering processes and modeling them with material balances.
EGR 1200
Introduction to chemical engineering principles, software and potential career paths. Required for all chemical engineering freshman.
Application of physical and chemical principles to the solution of steady-state material balances.
CHM 1156 :D- and MAT 2705 :Y :D-
Thermodynamics of single component systems: applications of first and second laws, steady-state energy balances, equations of state, thermodynamic properties of fluids, thermochemistry.
CHE 2031 :C-
Thermodynamics of single component systems: applications of first and second laws, steady-state energy balances, equations of state, thermodynamic properties of fluids, thermochemistry.
CHE 1102
The fundamental property relation, thermodynamic properties of single and multiple pure phases, homogeneous multicomponent phases, ideal and non-ideal liquid solutions, phase equilibria, chemical reaction equilibria, problem solving techniques, applications.
CHE 2101
Fluid statics, fluid properties, flow of incompressible fluids in conduits, friction factors, meters, pumps, external flow, drag, flow in packed and fluidized beds.
CHE 1102 and MAT 2705 :Y
Principles of heat flow, mechanisms of conduction, convection and radiation, correlations for heat transfer coefficients, heat transfer equipment and process applications.
CHE 2201 and CHE 2101
Fluid statics, fluid properties, flow of incompressible fluids in conduits, friction factors, meters, pumps, external flow, drag, flow in packed and fluidized beds.
CHE 2031 :C-
Introduction to the software and computational tools necessary for chemical engineers, including MathCAD, MatLAB, ASPEN, and others.
CHE 1102
Oral and written communication skills, reporting and analyzing results of experiments and/or literature investigations, graphical reporting.
CHE 2301
Fundamental drivers such as new technologies that characterize the global pharmaceutical industry. Includes attention to regulatory harmonization and global access to medicines; as well as elements such as global supply chain management and risk based quality.
Overview of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and how engineers might incorporate these principles as design parameters when developing solutions to engineering problems. Case studies in which engineers have applied CST principles will be presented and discussed.
Tradition and key themes of Catholic Social Teaching and how engineers can incorporate these themes in developing solutions to engineering problems. Engineering topics and case studies will be analyzed, with emphasis on a comparison of "greatest good" and "common good". Permission of instructor.
Fundamentals of interphase mass transfer: mechanisms, driving force and resistance to transfer, design and analysis of continuous and staged contacting processes, gas absorption and stripping, binary distillation, liquid extraction.
(CHE 3031 :C- and CHE 3131 :C-)
Fundamentals of interphase mass transfer: mechanisms, driving force and resistance to transfer, design and analysis of continuous and staged contacting processes, gas absorption and stripping, binary distillation, liquid extraction.
CHE 2202
Principles and methods of chemical kinetics and reactor design. Introduction to heterogeneous systems. Stiochiometry and rate laws for simple and complex reactions, analysis of reaction rates, isothermal reactors, introduction to temperature effects.
CHE 2202
Application of differential equations, linear algebra and conversation laws to model complex chemical processes (including non-steady state, and multi-dimentsional examples).
CHE 3202
Application of chemical engineering principles to laboratory and pilot scale equipment. Oral and written reporting of results.
CHE 2402
Design and analysis of chemical engineering experiments using laboratory and pilot scale equipment. Oral and written reporting of results.
CHE 3401
Application of fundamental principles of chemical engineering to design of industrial chemical processes; use of process simulators (such as Aspentech ASPEN PLUS) for process design.
CHE 3202 and CHE 3201
Introduction to process control concepts and applications, computer simulation of processes during transient change, real-time and LaPlace domain analysis of controlled systems.
CHE 4201 :Y and CHE 3301 :Y
Introduction to process control concepts and applications, computer simulation of processes during transient change, real-time and LaPlace domain analysis of controlled systems.
CHE 4331
Independent investigation of a chemical engineering problem, under supervision of a faculty advisor, or industry sponsor, including a written comprehensive report. (Nine hours per week of independent study).
Continuation of CHE 4831. May include further investigation of same problem or a different topic.
CHE 4831 :D-
Industrial waste management: nature and sources of waste streams, principles underlying chemical and physical treatment methods, case studies of treatment technology.
Causes, effects and control of air pollution, emphasizing abatement technologies: classification and sources of airborne pollutants, particulate control devices, VOC abatement technologies, NOx and SOx abatement, and meteorological effects.
Equipment design and specification based on theoretical and practical knowledge of unit operations. Analysis and design of several types of process equipment. Mandatory tours of chemical process facilities will be scheduled on Friday afternoons based on student interest.
CHE 4131 :D-
Methods of economic evaluation & decision making, applied to engineering problems. Cost estimation & indexing, time value of money, depreciation, comparison of alternatives.
Mathematical and numerical method techniques for solving equations of importance to chemical engineering applications.
Unified study of heat, mass and momentum transport: underlying physical laws, mathematical representation of transport laws, analogies between different transport modes, estimation of transport properties, applications.
CHE 3032 :Y :D-
The science in the suds: the course covers the science of malt, hops, and fermentation, flavor chemistry, and the technology of brewing beer. This course requires an understanding of organic chemistry.
CHM 2211
Principles and methods of chemical kinetics and reactor design applied to heterogeneous reactive systems of industrial importance: catalysis and catalytic reactors, catalyst deactivation, diffusion effects, design of heterogeneous catalytic and non-catalytic chemical reactors.
CHE 4031 :D- or CHE 3332 :D-
Mathematical tools for control systems analysis: linear open- and closed-loop systems, frequency response techniques, multi-variable process control, sampled-data control techniques, other advanced topics.
CHE 3232 :D-
Selected topics in chemical engineering: recent developments, new technology, applications of other disciplines to chemical engineering problems. RESTRICTION: Must have Chair's Permission.
Lectures on common cloning methods and DNA sequencing/ analysis techniques, along with labs that require students to design/construct a mammalian gene expression plasmid and evaluate it in animal cells.
Production of commercially useful materials by living organisms, emphasizing emerging technology: biologically important compounds, their relationships to genetics and metabolic pathways, controlled growth of microbes, separation and purification of products.
Factors underlying physical and chemical separations of natural (biological) products: centrifugation and filtration, cell Breakage, precipitation, extraction, adsorption, chromatography and crystallization; process-scale equipment and operations.
Materials for use in medicine and in/on the body, material bulk and surface properties, biological responses to materials, applications, manufacturing processes, cost, sterilization, packaging and regulatory issues.
Fundamental concepts of current biotechnology techniques; demonstration and application of laboratory methods encountered in industry or academia, including genetic engineering, bacterial/mammalian cell culture, and protein expression, purification, and characterization.
BIO 2105
Analysis techniques applied to process biochemical data, including basic R programming, hypothesis testing, regression and ODE modeling, and multivariate statistical data analysis. Practical term projects to analyze literature data using learned techniques.
An overview of genome editing, manipulation, and sequencing techniques. Various applications of genetic engineering in microbes, plants, animals, and humans are also discussed.
Basic principles of polymer science: nature and structure of organic high-polymers, polymerization reactions, physical and chemical properties, mechanical testing, viscoelasticity, flow and processing applications.
CHM 2211 :D-
Factors underlying interfacial phenomena and nano-material formation; thermodynamics of surfaces; emulsification, foaming, detergency, nucleation, wetting adhesion, surface films; particle growth, micelles, self-assembled monolayers; unique nanoscale characterization and properties.
Comprehensive introduction to structure/property relationships of engineering materials; atomic & molecular structure of materials; means to control structure; mechanical behavior; electronic behavior; effects of treatment history on properties; effects of usage conditions on properties; material selection.
Technical, economic, and social evaluations of alternative and sustainable energy sources focusing on liquid fuels as well as other energy sources.
Overview of the upstream petroleum industry, including technical aspects of finding, producing and refining petroleum products; issues related to fossil fuel usage; the role of petroleum-based fuels and related products as a key driver in world development.
Hazard identification; flammability; material properties; pressure relief; toxicity; risk analysis.
CHE 3931
CBE Co-Op is an optional technical elective to be completed with a company for 6 months during a student's final summer and fall semesters. The Co-Op must be chemical engineering-related and provide real world experiences. RESTRICTION: Must have chair's permission.
CHE 3202
Fundamental principles and analytical methods of process control systems: linear open-loop and closed dynamic systems, frequency domain design methods, multivariable control, sampled data control theory.
Application of linear system theory to the design of process control systems in the time domain. Advanced process control techniques, model based process control, the control of chemical engineering processes.
Fundamentals of single and multi-variable optimization by search techniques: constrained and unconstrained optimization, introduction to linear programming, geometric programming and dynamic programming, limits and usefulness of optimization techniques.
Materials for use in medicine and in/on the body, material bulk and surface properties, biological responses to materials, applications, manufacturing processes, cost, sterilization, packaging and regulatory issues. Drug delivery mechanisms, issues, and modeling.
Topics of current interest in chemical engineering, (to be announced in advance of offering).