
Degrees and Certificates


MGT 2153 : Intro Human Resources

Role of Human Resources Management in corporate strategy and success. Staffing, compensation, work design, performance measurement, individual and career development, safety, health, and separation. Focus on HR as critical success factor in organizations. Junior or senior standing, or permission of instructor.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 2208 : International Topics

Examination of a specific international management topic, which may vary from semester to semester, as reflected in the course title (e.g., Internatl Top: Mgt in Europe). Can be used toward the elective course requirement for the VSB IB Co-Major and IB Minor and as an management elective. Junior or senior standing.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 2212 : Leadership

Focuses on the behavioral dimension of managerial action and decision-making with emphasis on the underlying theory and ethical components of effective leadership. Individual self awareness of motivating values and effective participation on team projects emphasized.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 2250 : Global Corp Responsibility

Explores globalization and its implications for corporate social responsibility. Drawing from multiple disciplines and perspectives, students examine stakeholder claims and issues related to the environment, labor, and human rights, and analyze corporations' response to these pressures using specific cases and examples.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 2350 : Global Business Management

An elective topic dealing with the cross-cultural aspects of management. Student cases will address how politics, religion, social customs, and history shape and influence management practices. Junior or senior standing.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 2360 : Global Leadership

Help students gain insights about the nature of culture, the nature of leadership, and their intersection. Provide students with an increased understanding of, (1) existing theory and research on different leadership and culture topics and, (2) themselves with respect to leadership development and cultural intelligence.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 2370 : Global Business Ethics

Interactive study of business ethics within a global economy. Alternative ethical theories across and within different cultures are presented. Both Western and non-Western traditions are explored to develop a framework useful to address ethical challenges as they arise globally.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 2400 : Mgt of Creativity & Innovation

Develops students' awareness and confidence to innovate. Value of creativity tools and techniques for individual and group innovation. Students develop their own preferred creativity process and apply to individual and group challenges. Study innovation processes at organizational system level.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 3160 : Business Decision Making

Integration of behavioral science and quantitative approaches to decision-making; descriptive and prescriptive models in individual, group and organizational settings, expected value, utility theory, the analytic hierarchy process, risk analysis, and computer simulation of business problems especially in business technology management.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 3170 : Data Mining and AI

Use of data-mining and AI-techniques for analyzing large datasets to reveal hidden patterns for improved managerial decision-making. Students learn how advanced AI-tools, including machine-learning algorithms, are applied across business domains (marketing, finance, etc.) to develop predictive models and actionable insights.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2008 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 3300 : Business Analytics Internship

Employment with approved business firm where business analytics experience is gained through appropriate training, instruction, and supervision. Department chair approval required.


Credits 3

MGT 3305 : International Study Practicum

Class work, enrichment activities, and projects at a selected international academic institution, including visits to businesses in the surrounding region. Three-week requirements include a comprehensive research paper worthy of publication.


Credits 3


MGT 3310 : B.A. Internship

Employment with approved business firms where various meaningful assignments are performed with appropriate training, instruction, and supervision. Department chair approval required.


Credits 3

MGT 3350 : Ind Study Small Business

This independent study will help students understand the environment and significance of small business in the economy. Problems in starting a small business and factors that contribute to success or failures. Department chair approval required.


Credits 3


(VSB 2020 and VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 :Y or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y) or MGT 1102

MGT 3600 : Sports Analytics

Integration of analytics into decision making for sports organizations; use data to perform team and player evaluations, analyze in-game decisions, automate scouting reports, and other analysis; R programming utilized.


Credits 3


VSB 2008 and VSB 2020

MGT 4170 : Advanced Analytics

Covers how managers use advanced business analytics tools to support tactical and strategic business decisions. Covers applications of advanced business analytics techniques that support cross-functional decision making using software packages (for example: @Risk, Extend, Tableau, Hadoop, and aText) to help support the analytics process.


Credits 3


MGT 3170 :Y