Electrical and Computer Engineering


ECE 1260 : EGR Prog and Applic

Introductory C programming - engineering-focused algorithms and program development in C using: elementary data structures, conditional branching, loop control, console and file I/O operations, pseudo-random numbers, functions, strings, arrays, matrices, structures and pointer variables.


Credits 3


ECE 1261

ECE 1261 : EGR Prog and Applic Lab

Hands-on exercises in implementing, debugging and testing engineering-focused programs in Linux/C using an IDE; examples drawn from math, physics, audio and image processing, cybersecurity, peripheral device control, etc.s


Credits 1


ECE 1260

ECE 1620 : Egr Prog & Applic

Engineering problem solving using the C programming language, C control structures, data files, debugging, functions, arrays, elementary data structures, and pointers. Two lecture hours per week and 1 lab period per week.


Credits 3

ECE 2030 : Electric Circuits Fundamentals

Basic concepts, steady-state dc circuit analysis, network theorems, energy storage elements, complete response of first-order circuits, steady-state sinusoidal circuit analysis, AC systems and Laplace Transform.


Credits 3


MAT 1505 :D-


ECE 2031

ECE 2031 : Elect Circuit Fundamentals Lab

Must be taken concurrently with ECE 2030. Laboratory exercises cover electrical safety and laboratory practice, basic instrumentation, computer-aided circuit analysis, and application of electronic devices.


Credits 1


MAT 1505 :D-


ECE 2030

ECE 2042 : Fundamentals of CPE I

Number systems (signed and unsigned), conversions, Binary arithmetic, digital logic design both combinatorial and sequential, counters and state machines as well as learning VHDL (a hardware creation language) to implement the digital logic.


Credits 3


ECE 2043

ECE 2043 : Fund of Comp Engineering I Lab

This laboratory course is intended to be taken concurrently with ECE 2042. The laboratory includes exercises on logic design and on programming FPGA's using the VHDL language.


Credits 1


ECE 2042

ECE 2044 : Fundamentals of CPE II

The fundamentals of computer operation will be explored with emphasis on how to interface with a general-purpose processor. An ARM processor will be utilized to demonstrate memory mapped I/O, assembly programming, interrupts, serial communication, and peripheral utilization.


Credits 3


ECE 1620


ECE 2045

ECE 2045 : Fund Comp Engineering II Lab

This laboratory course in intended to be taken concurrently with ECE 2044. The laboratory utilizes an ARM microcontroller with assembly and C programming examples


Credits 1


ECE 2042


ECE 2044

ECE 2052 : Fund Electrical Engineering I

Basic concepts, steady-state dc circuit analysis, network theorems, ideal op-amp circuit analysis, energy storage elements, complete response of first-order circuits, steady-state sinusoidal circuit analysis and the phasor diagram.


Credits 3


MAT 1505 :D-


ECE 2053

ECE 2053 : Fund Elect Engineering I Lab

Must be taken concurrently with ECE 2052. Laboratory exercises cover electrical safety and laboratory practice, basic instrumentation, computer-aided circuit analysis, and applications of electronic devices.


Credits 1


ECE 2052

ECE 2054 : Fund of Elect Engineering II

Second-order circuits, complex-frequency (s-domain) analysis, network functions, RMS value, superposition of average power, maximum power transfer, frequency response (Bode) plots, ac power, balanced three-phase circuits, resonance, magnetically-coupled coils and the ideal transformer.


Credits 3


ECE 2052 :D-


ECE 2055 : Fund Elect Engineering II Lab

Must be taken concurrently with ECE 2054. Laboratory projects in system design that employ both analog and digital electronic components and various types of input/output devices.


Credits 1


ECE 2054

ECE 2160 : C++ Algorithms & Data Struct

C++ classes access rules, inheritance, friends, abstract classes, templates, passing parameters by value, by reference, polymorphism in functions and operators, static and dynamic binding, searching, sorting; pointer implementation of lists, stacks, queues, trees, analysis of algorithms; P, NP, Undecidable problems.


Credits 3


ECE 1260 and ECE 1261


ECE 2161

ECE 2161 : C++ Algorithms&Data Struct Lab

Installation, familiarization with Linux and its IDE, C++ programming exercises incorporating classes and objects, templates, pointers, dynamic variables, file access, measurements of running times of two sorting algorithms, implementation of linked lists, queues and stacks using composition.


Credits 1


ECE 1260 and ECE 1261


ECE 2160

ECE 2170 : Fundamentals of CPE

The fundamentals of computer operation will be explored with emphasis on how to interface with a general-purpose processor. An ARM processor will be utilized to demonstrate memory mapped I/O, assembly programming, interrupts, serial communication, and peripheral utilization.


Credits 3


ECE 1260


ECE 2171

ECE 2171 : Fundamentals of CPE Lab

This laboratory course is intended to be taken concurrently with ECE 2171. The laboratory utilizes an ARM microcontroller with assembly and C programming examples.


Credits 1


ECE 1260


ECE 2170

ECE 2172 : Digital Systems

Number systems (signed and unsigned), conversions, Binary arithmetic, digital logic design, both combinatorial and sequential, counters and state machines as well as learning VHDL (a hardware creation language) to implement the digital logic.


Credits 3


ECE 2173

ECE 2173 : Digital Systems Lab

The laboratory course is intended to be taken concurrently with ECE 2172. The laboratory includes exercises on logic design and on programming FPGA's using the VHDL language.


Credits 1


ECE 2172

ECE 2290 : Engr System Models & Control

Modeling and analysis of electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical systems; open-loop and feedback systems; frequency domain models; state equations; linearization, time response; steady-state error; block diagrams and signal flow graphs; stability criteria; root locust method. Practicm includes laboratory experiments involving actual engineering systems. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


ECE 2030 and ECE 2031 and PHY 2402

ECE 2292 : Engineering Probability&Stats

Basic set theory, axioms of probability, probability relationships. Concepts of a random variable. Joint random variables. Selected topics in statistics from: estimation, hypothesis testing and regression. Selected topics from: function of a random variable, random processes Markov chains, applications (e.g. reliability, queuing, microprocessor control, digital communications, detection).


Credits 3


MAT 2705

ECE 2409 : Fundamentals of MATLAB

Use of MATLAB, a matrix oriented, high level programming language, for the simulation and modeling of physical systems. Matrix operations, extensive 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional graphing, introduction to MATLAB toolboxes. Lectures are conducted in parallel with hands-on programming and computer simulations. One lecture hour and one laboratory period per week.


Credits 2

ECE 2430 : Embedded Systems

Introduction to logic design and digital computer fundamentals. Topics include computer arithmetic, Boolean algebra and logical design, basic concepts of computer architecture, programming and interfacing microcontrollers.


Credits 3


ECE 1260


ECE 2431

ECE 2431 : Embedded Systems Lab

This laboratory course is intended to be taken concurrently with ECE 2430. The laboratory includes exercises on logic design and on programming and interfacing microcontrollers and programmable logic devices.


Credits 1


ECE 1260


ECE 2430

ECE 2531 : Analog Electronics I Lab

Must be taken concurrently with ECE 2530. Electronic circuit applications are investigated through laboratory design projects on semi conductor device physics, diodes and BJTs.


Credits 1


ECE 2030 :D- and ECE 2031 :D-


ECE 2530

ECE 2550 : Intro to Electronics & Applic.

Basic electronic concepts. Electronic circuit applications are investigated through the creation of laboratory design projects which address contemporary topics in Electrical Engineering.


Credits 2


ECE 2052 :D-

ECE 2620 : C++, Algorithms & Data Struct

C++ classes, access rules, inheritance, friends, abstract classes, templates, passing parameters by value, by reference, polymorphism in functions and operators, static and dynamic binding, searching, sorting; pointer implementation of lists, stacks, queues, trees, analysis of algorithms; P, NP, Undecidable problems.


Credits 4


ECE 1620

ECE 2800 : Prof. Dev. Seminar

Various professional development activities including: initiation into mentoring program, introduction to engineering ethics and professional responsibilities, field trips and other events on contemporary issues, peer evaluation process, development of oral and written communication skills, workshops on a variety of professional skills.


Credits 2

ECE 3001 : Engr Systems Model&Control Lab

This laboratory provides an applied experience integrating previous engineering concepts and laboratory experiences in the context of control systems and entails hardware implementation, measurement, and analysis


Credits 1


ECE 3000

ECE 3020 : Intro to Electric Energy Syste

Fundamentals of energy conversion and storage, conventional and renewable sources of energy, introduction to the electric energy system grid, control and economic operation of the electric energy system grid, and introduction to smart grid and smart metering technologies.


Credits 3


ECE 2030

ECE 3030 : Engr Electromagnetics

Maxwell's equations, plane wave, dissipative media, reflection and transmission of waves at an interface, metallic and optical waveguides, transmission lines, linear and array antennas.


Credits 3


MAT 2500 and PHY 2402


ECE 3031

ECE 3031 : Engr Electromagnetics Lab

Visualization through computer aided design tools, experiments and demonstration of solutions to Maxwell's equations, plane waves. dissipative media, reflection and transmission of waves at an interface metallic waveguides and transmission lines.


Credits 1


ECE 2500 and PHY 2402


ECE 3030

ECE 3040 : Electrical Communications

Analog and digital communication systems: characterization of communication channels, bandwidth and signal distortion; AM and FM, FM stereo and Dolby noise reduction; sample and hold, source encoding, matched filtering, digital modulations and error control-coding.


Credits 3


ECE 2030 and MAT 2705

ECE 3170 : Computer Architecture

Fundamentals of instruction set architecture (ISA) and processor & memory organization. Topics include ISA, arithmetic circuits, register file, single-cycle, multi-cycle, and pipelined microarchitecture, memory operation, cache, virtual memory, parallel architectures.


Credits 3


ECE 2170 and ECE 2172 and ECE 2173


ECE 3171

ECE 3171 : Computer Architecture Lab

Design, implementation, and test of various processor building components and memory units, which are integrated to build a single-cycle processor and a pipeline processor. An FPGA development board and design software are used.


Credits 1


ECE 3170

ECE 3180 : Computer Networks

ISO/OSI, TCP/IP reference models; data transmission, encoding, framing, error detection, stop and wait, sliding windows; CSMA/CD, Ethernet; bridges, spanning tree protocol; connectionless, connection-oriented and source routing, IP addressing, forwarding, VPNs; switching fabrics; ARP, DHCP, DV, OSPF, BGP, DNS.


Credits 3


ECE 1260 or CSC 2405

ECE 3220 : Signal Processing

Signal representation, Fourier series, Fourier transform, discrete-time systems, convolution, discrete-time Fourier transform, Z-transform. Practicum includes MATLAB exercises on transform properties and their use in modulation and filtering. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


(ECE 2051 :D- or ECE 2054 :D-) and ECE 2409 :D- and MAT 2705 :D-

ECE 3225 : Signal Processing

Signal representation, Fourier series, Fourier transform, discrete-time systems, convolution, discrete-time Fourier transform, Z-transform. Practicum includes MATLAB exercises on transform properties and their use in modulation and filtering. Three lecture hours per week.


Credits 3


ECE 2030 :D- and ECE 2409 :D- and MAT 2705 :D-


ECE 3230

ECE 3240 : Discrete-Time Signals & System

Discrete-time signal and system representation; sampling of continuous signals; discrete-time Fourier and z transforms; frequency content of signals and frequency response of systems; system analysis and filtering. Practicum includes use of MATLAB on filtering, channel equalization, music synthesis and spectrum analysis. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


ECE 2409 :D- and MAT 1505 :D-

ECE 3242 : Fundamentals of Signal Process

Overview of signals, types of signals, signal representation phasors, power and energy, Linear time invariant systems, convolution and impulse response; Fourier analysis and concept of frequency, Fourier transform, line spectrum; Discrete time signal analysis; Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete-time convolution, z-transform.


Credits 3


MAT 2705

ECE 3245 : Discrete Time Signals & System

Discrete-time signal and system representation; sampling of continuous signals; discrete-time Fourier and Z-transformations; frequency content of signals and frequency response of systems; systems analysis and filtering.


Credits 3


ECE 2409 :D- and MAT 2705 :D-


ECE 3230

ECE 3430 : Embedded Systems II

Digital logic families with primary emphasis on external electrical characteristics of the logic devices. Applications and designs at the board-level, involving topics such as series/parallel conversion and analog/digital conversion.


Credits 3


ECE 2430 :D- and ECE 2431 :D-

ECE 3445 : Computer Architecture

Fundamentals of instruction sets and their efficient execution - e.g., pipelines, caches, out-of-order execution, and branch prediction mechanisms. Performance analysis, superscalar, VLIW, multithreading, and multiprocessing are among the topics studied. Trace-driven simulators are used in practicums to explore concepts learned in class. Three lecture hours with a two-hour practicum each week.


Credits 4


ECE 2043 and ECE 2044 and ECE 2045

ECE 3450 : Digital Electronics

Digital logic families with primary emphasis on external electrical characteristics of the logic devices. Applications and designs at the board-level, involving topics such as series/parallel conversion and analog/digital conversion.


Credits 3


ECE 2030 :D- and ECE 2172 :D-

ECE 3476 : Computer and Network Security

Computer security in the context of the Internet, including hands-on exercises and experiments in the areas of authentication, attacks and threats, email and communication digital signatures and encryption, mobile devices, privacy, safe browsing and certificates.


Credits 3


ECE 3180 :Y or CSC 2405

ECE 3500 : Electronic Materials & Devices

Physics of crystal structures, energy bands, Fermi level, charge carriers, the pn junction, and excess carriers. Devices: diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


ECE 2510 :D- or ECE 2051 :D- or ECE 2054 :D-

ECE 3530 : Analog Electronics II

Analysis, design, and simulation of analog electronic circuits. Single and multistage amplifiers, amplifier frequency response, power amplifiers, linear and nonlinear op-amp circuits, active filters, oscillators. MOSFET and CMOS circuits.


Credits 3


ECE 2530 :D- and ECE 2531 :D-


ECE 3531

ECE 3531 : Analog Electronics II Lab

Must be taken concurrently with ECE 3530. MOSFET DC Circuits, Device Parameter Extraction from BJT and MOSFET, Single and Multistage Amplifier Designs & frequency response, Power Amplifier Design with Thermal Design Considerations (Application of Heat Sinks).


Credits 1


ECE 2530 :D- and ECE 2531 :D-


ECE 3530

ECE 3550 : Analog Electronics

Analysis, design, and simulation of analog electronic circuits. Single and multistage amplifiers, amplifier frequency response, power amplifiers, linear and nonlinear op-amp circuits, active filters, oscillators. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


ECE 2051 :D- or ECE 2054 :D- or ECE 2054 :D-

ECE 3600 : Operating Systems

System software design and implementation; process and resource management; concurrency, scheduling, and deadlock; memory management; file systems and security.


Credits 3


ECE 2170 and ECE 2160

ECE 3690 : Engineering Electromagnetics

Maxwell's equations, plane waves, dissipative media, reflection and transmission of waves at an interface, metallic and optical waveguides, transmission lines, linear and array antennas. Practicum includes computer projects, laboratory demonstrations and problem solving. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


MAT 2500 :D- and PHY 2402 :D-

ECE 3720 : Eng Probability & Statistics

Basic set theory, axioms of probability, probability relationships. Concepts of a random variable. Joint random variables. Selected topics in statistics from: estimation, hypotheseis testing and regression. Selected topics from: functions of a random variable, random processes, Markov chains, applications (e.g. reliability, queuing, microprocessor control, digital communications, detection). Prerequisites: junior CPE or junior EE standing.


Credits 3

ECE 3770 : Electrical Communications

Introducing the elements of a modern communication system including signal representation, bandwidth, modulation, spectrum and noise, communication channels, sampling of continuous signals and digital modulations. The practicum period includes Matlab simulation of concepts and operations.


Credits 4


ECE 3225 :D- or ECE 3245 :D- and ECE 3720 :D-

ECE 3970 : Design Seminar - EE

Areas and career paths in electrical engineering. Overview of required senior project courses and faculty project sponsors. Engineering design, project selection requirements, technical communications, information gathering. Requires selection of design project adviser, project topic, and a formal written project proposal.


Credits 2

ECE 3971 : Design Seminar - CPE

Areas and career paths in computer engineering. Overview of required senior project courses and faculty project sponsors. Engineering design, project selection requirements, technical communications, information gathering. Requires selection of design project adviser, project topic, and a formal written project proposal.


Credits 2

ECE 4290 : Engr System Models & Control

Modeling and analysis of electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical systems; open-loop and feedback systems; frequency domain models; state equations; linearization; time response; steady-state error; block diagrams and signal flow graphs; stability criteria; root locus method. Practicum includes laboratory experiments involving actual engineering systems. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


(ECE 2290 :D- or ECE 2051 :D- or ECE 2054 :D-) and PHY 2402 :D-

ECE 4470 : Computer Networks

ISO/OSI, TCP/IP reference models; data transmission, encoding, framing, error detection, stop-and-wait, sliding windows; CSMA/CD, Ethernet; bridges, spanning tree protocol; connectionless, connection-oriented and source routing, IP addressing, forwarding, VPNs; switching fabrics; ARP, DHCP, DV, OSPF, BGP, DNS.


Credits 4


ECE 1620 or CSC 2405

ECE 4810 : Intro. to Electric Energy Sys.

Fundamentals of energy conversion and storage, conventional and renewable sources of energy, introduction to the electric energy system grid, control and economic operation of the electric energy system grid, and introduction to smart grid and smart metering technologies.


Credits 3


ECE 2030

ECE 4970 : Design Project - EE

Completion of the design project presented in ECE 3970. Requirements: written and oral progress reports, demonstration of achieved objectives, formal written final report, oral presentation. Design groups meet weekly with their instructors. Senior standing.


Credits 3


ECE 3970 :D- or ECE 5900 :D-

ECE 4971 : Design Project - CPE

Completion of the design project presented in ECE 3971. Written and oral progress reports, demonstration of achieved objectives, formal written final report, oral presentation. Design groups meet weekly with their instructors. Senior standing.


Credits 3


ECE 3971 :D-

ECE 4972 : Design Project Report - EE

Preparation and presentation of a final written report and a formal presentation of each project team's senior design project completed in ECE 4970.


Credits 1


ECE 4970 :D-

ECE 4973 : Design Project Report - CPE

Preparation and presentation of a final written report and a formal presentation of each project team's senior design project completed in ECE 4971.


Credits 1


ECE 4971 :D-

ECE 5010 : ECE Summer Internship

Academic credit for a summer internship. Requirements: Senior standing, a technical GPA of 3.0 or greater, and sponsorship by a full-time faculty member arranged prior to the start of the internship. Program details available from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Chairman, Tolentine Hall, Room 403. (610-519-4971).


Credits 3

ECE 5040 : Deep Lrning Methd Wireless Com

A primer on deep learning methods and their applications in wireless communications, including signal detection and classification, channel estimation, prediction, compression, and resource allocation using Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox.


Credits 3


ECE 3225 or ECE 3245

ECE 5170 : Intro to Post-Quantum Computin

Introduction to fundamental knowledge and skills related to quantum and post-quantum computing, basic and hands-on projects on different post-quantum cryptography schemes, brief introduction of emerging lightweight post-quantum techniques.


Credits 3

ECE 5172 : Fund of Digitl Hardware Design

Components and algorithms needed to create modern digital hardware with a sharp focus on hands on design using industry standard design industry standard design automation and test tools.


Credits 3

ECE 5240 : Multimedia

Algorithms and standards that make possible multimedia communication and storage over the internet, including baseline JPEG, JPEG 2000, video compression (MPEG-1, 2, 4), audio compression and MP3, DVD, video conferencing and streaming, multimedia over broadband (DSL and cable), multimedia database search and retrieval and digital watermarking for multimedia content ownership and intellectual property rights protection. Prerequisites: Senior CPE or senior EE standing.


Credits 3

ECE 5250 : Biomedical Instrumentation

Introductory course in Biomedical Engineering emphasizing human physiology & medical measurement tools & techniques. Topics include the nervous system, the cardiovascular system & the respiratory system.


Credits 3


ECE 5251 : Biomedical Signal Processing

Signal processing of biomedical signals. Cardiac, neurological, & electromyographic signal processing. Biomedical signal filtering, frequency analysis, spectrum estimation & physiological information extraction. Prerequisites: EGR 2021 or equivalent.


Credits 3


ECE 3225 or ECE 3245 or EGR 2021

ECE 5252 : Medical Imaging

Principles of structural and functional medical imaging modalities: X-ray, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ultrasound and optical imaging. Fundamentals of biomedical image analysis: image acquisition and display, image enhancement, segmentation and registration as used in medical imaging applications. Prerequisites: EGR 2021 or equivalent.


Credits 3


EGR 2021

ECE 5255 : Biomedical System Design

Hands-on system-level development of various biomedical instrumentations including heart rate monitor, blood pressure measurement, pulse oximetry, using off-the-shelf sensors, available electronic modules, and a graphical programming environment and data acquisition platform.


Credits 4

ECE 5390 : Control System Design

Problem formulation, design techniques and evaluations, time domain and frequency domain design methods. Incorporates computer-aided analysis and design in conjunction with required laboratory projects. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


ECE 2290

ECE 5400 : Applied Machine Learning

Introduction to machine learning models and algorithms; Software techniques such as compression and pruning to enable efficient processing of neural networks. Hardware accelerators for training and inference process. Hardware/software optimization for using machine learning to solve practical problems.


Credits 3

ECE 5450 : Microcontrollers & Applic

ARM-Based microcontroller design and the following related topics: General purpose input/output, counters/timers, pulse-width modulation, A/D conversion, stepper motor control, use of integrated development environments, practical application programming in C.


Credits 3


ECE 1620 or ECE 1260

ECE 5451 : Adv Microcontroller App Design

Communications and complex inputs/outputs in ARM-based microcontroller design: Fast input/output, I^2C bus, UARTs, SPI bus, CAN bus, vectored interrupts, USB, JTAG, in-application flash programming. Implementation of real-world designs using the C programming language.


Credits 3


ECE 5450

ECE 5470 : Topics in Computer Networks

Transport protocols - TCP, UDP; Voice Over IP (VOIP) protocols - SDP, SIP, RTP, RTCP, hands-on project to implement a VOIP soft switch; Mobile wireless communications - IEEE 802.11 b/g/a family, Bluetooth; Layer 7 switching, structured and unstructured overlay networks, Peer-to-peer networks - Napster, Gnutella, Pastry.


Credits 3


ECE 4470 :D-

ECE 5476 : Computer and Network Security

Computer security in the context of the Internet, including hands-on exercises and experiments in the areas of authentication, attacks and threats, email and communication, digital signatures and encryption, mobile devices, privacy, safe browsing and certificates.


Credits 3

ECE 5478 : Eng Secure Cyber-Physical Sys

Cyber-Physical Systems include home automation and protection, connected vehicles, connected medical devices, drones, smart buildings and cities, and industrial control systems. Secure engineering of cyber-physical systems leading to a safer and more secure connected environment that also respects personal privacy. Improvement of security after deployment. Emphasis on hands-on activities and lab work.


Credits 3

ECE 5480 : Android Mobile Dev Programming

The Android software stack and the underlying device sensors. Topics covered: Mobile Design Considerations, Java Language Primer, Android SDK, Threading, Geolocation Services, NFC, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct, Common Device Sensors, Persistence, Accessing Web Services and IOIO microcontroller.


Credits 3

ECE 5690 : Microwave Networks

Plane wave propagation; propagation in TEM transmission lines and waveguides; IMPATT; TRAPAT; Gunn-Effect and parametric devices; microstrip lines and microwave integrated circuits; laboratory work includes measurement of SWR, impedance, and power at microwave frequencies. Three lecture hours and a two-hour practicum per week.


Credits 4


ECE 3530 and ECE 3690

ECE 5730 : RF Circuit Design

Design of active circuits and antennas for RF and wireless systems, including semiconductor control circuits, S-parameter based amplifier and oscillator design, mixers, and antennas for portable and base station applications. CAD tools and laboratory-based projects are emphasized.


Credits 3


ECE 5690

ECE 5760 : Intro to Optoelectronics

Introduction to various optoelectronic devices, including light emitting devices, photodetectors, optical modulators, solar cells and display devices. Applications to systems.


Credits 3


ECE 3500 :D-

ECE 5770 : Organs-on-a-Chip

Microfluidic electrochemical biomimetic systems as a physical micron-scale model of a human organ for sensing pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and food ingredients toxicology. Combine fundamentals of field effect circuits, optics, fluid mechanics, soft-lithography, and biochemistry with an emphasis on life sciences applications.


Credits 3


MAT 2705 :Y or EGR 2021 :Y or ECE 2530 :Y and PHY 1102 or PHY 2402 or PHY 2412

ECE 5800 : Electric Machines

Magnetic circuits; electromechanical energy conversion; single-phase power transformers; induction motors; synchronous machines; dc machines; permanent magnet motors.


Credits 3


ECE 2051 :D- or ECE 6020 :D- or ECE 2054 :D- or ECE 2054 :D-

ECE 5810 : Power Systems

Three-phase circuits and power, transmission line parameters and models, transformer models, the per-unit system, power flow analysis, synchronous generator models.


Credits 3


ECE 2051 :D-

ECE 5815 : Power System Analysis

Balanced three-phase circuit analysis, three-phrase power transformers, per-unit analysis, power flow analysis and control, balanced and unbalanced short-circuit analysis, power system stability.


Credits 3


ECE 2051 :D- or ECE 2054 :D- or ECE 6020 :D-

ECE 5850 : Renewable Energy Systems

The design of renewable energy systems. Topics include: Solar Thermal Energy, Photovoltaics, Bioenergy, Hydroelectricity, Tidal Power, Wind Power and Geothermal Energy. Prerequisite: ECE 2054 or equivalent.


Credits 3

ECE 5900 : Special Topics

Addresses a special topic in electrical and/or computer engineering of interest to faculty and students.


Credits 3

ECE 5991 : Elec Eng Research I

Students work with faculty on current research topics. Weekly meetings with faculty adviser and a final written report and/or oral presentation are required.


Credits 3

ECE 7000 : Renewable Energy Policy

An introduction to renewable energy policy from inception to current state of the industry. Deals with the evolution of policy from monopolistic to competitive marketplace. Study will include the various factors affecting this process.


Credits 3

ECE 7470 : Parser Design & Applications

Introduction to computer languages, syntax, parsing, and lexical analysis. Use of Bison and Flex for course projects, with emphasis on implementation of a spreadsheet program. Prerequisites: C programming & data structures.


Credits 3

ECE 7545 : Microelectronic Fabrication

Basic fabrication processes of silicon microelectronic technologies. Interrelationships between the material processing and the operational characteristics of a device. Integration of the various material processes in forming MOS integrated circuits and MEMS devices.


Credits 3


ECE 3500

ECE 7580 : Intro to Power Electronics

Idealized power switching diodes and transistors; DC-DC converters; AC-DC rectifiers; DC-AC inverters; Magnetic circuits and elements (including inductors and transformers); soft-switching of power devices. Practical design of switch-mode DC power supplies, DC and AC motor drives.


Credits 3

ECE 7830 : Intro. to Electric Drives

Introduction to space vectors, scalar speed and torque control of induction motors, space vector representation of ac motors, dynamic dq modeling of ac motors, introduction to vector control of ac drives. Pre-req. ECE 7805 or permission of instructor.


Credits 3

ECE 8002 : Engineeing Math II

Continuation of Engineering Mathematics I. Topics: asymptotic expansions, integral equations, calculus of variations, regular and singular perturbation theory, inverse scattering transforms, and numerical methods.


Credits 3


ECE 8001 :C

ECE 8231 : Digital Signal Process

Discrete time signals and systems, Z-transform, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform algorithms, design of digital filters in both time and frequency domains. Computer-aided design of digital filters. Prerequisite: Background in signals and systems theory.


Credits 3

ECE 8400 : Neural Network & Fuzzy Systems

Introduction to various neural network architectures together with associated learning rules; introduction to the concepts and computations associated with fuzzy logic rules. This course is conducted in a laboratory environment. Prereq: Working knowledge of MATLAB.


Credits 3


ECE 8007

ECE 8425 : Microproc & Microcomp

Advanced study of hardware and software concepts necessary for the design of 32-bit micropressor-based systems. Topics: (for a widely-used 32-bit microprocessor) addressing modes, instruction set, input/output, and interrupts with examples taken from the areas of computer engineering, signal processing and communication. The course includes a student analysis/design project and laboratory work involving a 32-bit processor. Prerequisite: Undergraduate background in microprocessors (equivalent to ECE 3490).


Credits 3

ECE 8445 : Adv Comp Architecture

Classification of machines, memory management, caches, buses, pipelining, language directed architecture, RISC architecture, data flow architectures.


Credits 3


ECE 8405 :C and ECE 8440 :C

ECE 8446 : High-Perf Processor Arch

In-depth coverage of the advanced architectural features of current and next-generation high-performance computer processors. Topics include superscalar and VLIW design, out-of-order execution, register renaming, caching, value prediction, confidence levels, branch prediction, predication, control speculation, multithreading, compiler optimizations, trace-drive simulator development and case studies of existing processors. A project involves writing a simulator to evaluate the performance of a microprocessor component. Prerequisites: ECE 3445 and C or C++, or permission of the instructor.


Credits 3

ECE 8450 : Design of Secure Comput System

This course examines common low-level software vulnerabilities that take advantage of current system architectures. Mitigation strategies at the software level and the system level will be discussed and analyzed


Credits 3


ECE 8457 : Signal Processing Circ

Study of the architecture of various DSP chips and circuits necessary for the implementation of real-time signal processors and digital filters. Case studies and a student design project are taken from the areas of speech processing, image processihng and communiation signal processing.


Credits 3


ECE 8231 :C and ECE 8425 :C

ECE 8470 : Post-Quantum Cryptographic Eng

Introducing the basic foundations of the post-quantum crypotography and recent advances in the field, design and implementation of simple version of the basic arithmetic unit (post-quantum cryptography) on both hardware and software platforms, post-quantum cyptosystem design process using hardware and software synthesis tools. Graduate standing or consent of Instructor.


Credits 3

ECE 8481 : Post-Quantum Cryptographic ENR

Basic foundation of the post-quantum crypotographic engineering and recent advances in the field; introduces design and implementation techniques for the arithmetic unit and overall post-quantum cryptography on both hardware and software platforms, and side-channel attack skills.


Credits 3

ECE 8482 : Semantic Web

This course defines the Semantic Web and implements Semantic Web solutions using a set of best practices. We model problems as ontologies, semantically enable data and visualize owl instances.


Credits 3

ECE 8487 : Advanced Machine Learning

Advanced Machine Learning covers three main areas: basic algorithmic foundations such as linear regression and neural networks, applications of machine learning in image classification and natural language processing, and hardware acceleration of machine learning using GPUs and customized silicon (e.g., TPU).


Credits 3

ECE 8736 : Dig Proc of Speech Signals

Fundamentals of speech modeling and speech communication. Topics: digital models for speech production, digital waveform coding, linear prediction of speech, homomorphic speech processing, short-time spectrum anaylsis methods, and application case studies including speech synthesis, speech recognition, and speaker recognition.


Credits 3


ECE 8072 :C and ECE 8231 :C

ECE 8770 : Topics in Digital Communicatn

Digital communication modulation and reception. Topics: unifying signal space representation of digital modulation schemes, optimum digital communication symbol detectors, detector performance evaluation, optimum and adaptive equalizers for channel distortion mitigation, maximum likelihood sequence estimators (MLSE's), the Viterbi algorithm MLSE implementation, and spread sprectrum and other modulation schemes. Computer assignements provide experience with symbol detection adaptive channel equalization and the Viterbi algorithm applied to several realistic channel models and modulation schemes.


Credits 3


ECE 8072 :C and ECE 8700 :C

ECE 8772 : Satellite Communications

Design and operation of a satellite communication systems. Topics covered in detail: modulation, satellite links, electronics, multiple access systems, frequency hopping, crosslinks, and mobile satellite systems. Position determination and ranging systems will also be covered.


Credits 3


ECE 8700 :C