Arts & Sciences Professional Development


ASPD 1001 : Transitioning to College

Transition to College is a one-credit class for first-year students. Goals of this course include addressing social skills, residence hall life, classroom etiquette, executive functioning skills, and self-advocacy. This course will be especially beneficial for, and geared toward, students with Asperger's Syndrome and/or on the Autism Spectrum.


Credits 1

ASPD 2000 : Prof Dev for Arts & Sciences

Discovering your professional passion, path, and purpose. Designed for students to acquire and demonstrate professional and career readiness skills, which greatly enhance student employability in the workplace.


Credits 1

ASPD 2001 : Intro. to Professional Writing

Learn the hallmarks of effective professional writing: How to target an audience while writing clearly, concisely, and persuasively. Gain valuable professional writing experience directly transferable to writing in internships and professional positions.


Credits 1

ASPD 2002 : The Legal Profession

Investigate areas of law and potential legal paths as you learn what it means to """think like a lawyer."""" Learn how to maneuver successfully through the application process and how to transition well to the challenges of law school."


Credits 1

ASPD 2003 : Professional Communication

This course provides a foundation for leadership studies and professional speaking. You will enhance your professional communication by learning various perspectives that will deepen your understanding of leadership and enable you to succeed in a diverse, ever-changing workplace.


Credits 1

ASPD 2004 : Social Networking

Making connections and staying connected has never been easier with sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Learn how to harness the power of social media for professional gain and become a savvy social networker.


Credits 1

ASPD 2005 : Networking for Success

Learn the importance and relevance of networking for your professional success. This course is designed for students who want to identify, understand, and develop personal strengths and relationships to explore and expand professional opportunities.


Credits 1

ASPD 2007 : Global Leadership

Using a case study approach, introduce global leadership by demonstrating how a corporation applies leadership theories and practices while achieving a global mindset.


Credits 1

ASPD 2008 : Organizational Leadership

Using a case study approach, introduces students to organizational leadership, demonstrating how a firm applies leadership theories and practices through its organizational units to achieve success.


Credits 1

ASPD 2009 : Creativity and Innovation

Collaborate on team-based projects designed to foster an understanding of real-world business problems that require creative and innovative solutions. Open to All Undergraduate Students Weekend commitment is a requirement Class will meet for three prep sessions prior to weekend event.


Credits 1

ASPD 2011 : Personal Finance

Personal finance is an important life skill, and after graduation, you will be responsible for your own money. Explore topics such as budgeting; living on your own; saving for that dream car, house, and vacation; responsible use of credit cards; and investing for retirement. You'll identify your values and differentiate needs from wants, and learn how to set short, medium and long-term financial goals.


Credits 1

ASPD 2012 : Professional Skills-Strengths

Professional Skills and Strengths teaches students how to understand, communicate, and leverage their skills and strengths when applying for internships and jobs.


Credits 1

ASPD 2014 : Public Policy Paths

Public Policy Paths teaches students about careers and professional opportunities available in national and state government, and in non-profit organizations.


Credits 1

ASPD 2015 : Management Consulting

Students will learn about the management consultancy field and how to best pursue opportunities while engaging with alumni professionals who've built careers in the industry.


Credits 1

ASPD 2016 : The Professorial Life

Students will learn what the professional life of a professor is like, from teaching, research and scholarship, to administration, mentorship, service and more.


Credits 1

ASPD 2017 : Mathematical Communities

This course is an introduction to the study of mathematics. Creative thinking, problem solving, and collaboration are explored. Mathematics research and careers in the mathematical sciences are emphasized. Students also build community with fellow math majors. This course is restricted to First-year Mathematics majors


Credits 1

ASPD 2018 : A Life Well Lived

Discuss and practice the core concepts of a life well lived, as studied by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, around the core concepts of generosity, gratitude, awe, positive neuroscience, and future mindedness.


Credits 1

ASPD 2020 : Building a Resilience Resume

Failure is normal and healthy - and it can be transformative Learn from the failure resumes of others, and walk away with your own failure resume and ability to articulate how you have demonstrated growth, change and resilence.


Credits 1

ASPD 2021 : Adulting 101

From saving for retirement and renting that first apartment to negotiating your starting salary and sorting out employer provided health benefit, Adulting 101 prepares students for life after graduation and beyond.


Credits 1

ASPD 2022 : Prep for Careers in Fin Serv

Learn how to successfully identify, apply for, and interview for internships and entry-level positions in the financial services industry, and build relationships with alumni who are industry experts.


Credits 1

ASPD 2023 : Navigating Roadblocks

In Navigating Roadblocks, students will have the opportunity to discuss and consider effective approaches to managing stress, setting realistic goals, and persisting after failure or setbacks.


Credits 1

ASPD 2024 : Understanding Financial Rpts

This course will emphasize the creation and analysis of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement - as well as their interpretation and how they are used in making financial and investing decisions.


Credits 1

ASPD 2026 : Intergrating Study Abroad Exp

Students returning from studying abroad will develop a framework in which they can reflect upon and discuss their international experiences, and foster their intercultural competencies, while integrating their experiences into their academic and career goals.


Credits 1

ASPD 2027 : Understanding Fincl Rpt II

This course is a continuation of Understanding Financial Reporting and will emphasize the creation and analysis of the basic financial accounting statements: the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, as well as their interpretation and how they are used in making financial and investing decisions.


Credits 1


ASPD 2024

ASPD 2028 : Diversity & Incl the Workplace

Learn why respectful language and vocabulary are essential to approaching uncomfortable yet important conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Develop strategies for breaking down barriers, fostering greater, understanding, and creating and sustaining equitable, open, and progressive workplaces.


Credits 1

ASPD 2029 : Applying to Law School

Understand the process of applying to law school, including selecting target schools, writing a personal statement, requesting letters of recommendation, obtaining official transcripts, navigating the Law School Admission Council's Website, and more.


Credits 1

ASPD 2030 : Introduction to Law School

Review topics, cases, and statutes typically studied during the first year (1L) of law school. Develop strong law school study strategies by reading and briefing cases.


Credits 1

ASPD 2031 : LSAT Prep

Develop greater understanding and confidence related to preparing for and taking the LSAT, which is the standardized Law School Admission Test. Examine and prepare for all parts of the LSAT, including Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and Wrtiing.


Credits 1

ASPD 2032 : The Intersection of Work & Pol

This course aims to prepare students for a job market and professional environment in which political concerns and controversies are appearing in new and sometimes problematic ways. The course is based around specific questions and problems, and addresses them through specific cases.


Credits 1

ASPD 2033 : Rewrite Your Story

This course is designed for the student that is transitioning back from time off from academics and/or interested in developing academic and professional skills to improve performance. We will start with reframing past experiences as growth moments and opportunities for learning.


Credits 1

ASPD 2035 : Leadership in Biology

Designed for Biology students who have completed BIO 2105/6 and will facilitate weekly sessions of fellow students enrolled in General Biology to reinforce concepts learned in lecture. Students in this course will be trained in practices to enhance leadership skills, such as communication, pedagogy, reading primary literature, and the dialogical process. REGISTRATION BY DIRECTOR ONLY


Credits 1

ASPD 2036 : Global & Post Grad Opport&Fell

Learn how to navigate application processes for summer and post-graduate opportunities and fellowships, which include both domestic and international experiences. Students will focus on the Fulbright Program and other bridge year programs, and also will learn about opportunities for sophomore and juniors. Students will explore programs, craft application materials, and identify and articulate goals and future plans.


Credits 1

ASPD 2100 : Preparing for Health Careers

Five interpersonal and four intrapersonal competencies sought by health professions schools. What they mean, why they are important in health care, and how to develop them in oneself.


Credits 1

ASPD 2101 : The Road Less Traveled

This course is designed to expand students' awareness of the array of health professions. Guest speakers from fields students choose less frequently will come to class and introduce their professions. Students will have the opportunity to expand their perspective in search of their """fit""""


Credits 1

ASPD 2103 : Charting Your Course - Science

Exploration of professional options offered by a degree in the sciences, such as careers in pharmaceutical and vaccine development, data analytics, and more.


Credits 1


ASPD 1000

ASPD 2200 : Applied Professional Devlp

Students will enhance their professional development and career knowledge throught this overview of important and relevant topics related to investigating career paths and applying to internships and jobs. The one-credit Independent Study offering is designed to give students greater flexibility in course scheduling. Restricted to CLAS students with permission of Director of Professional Development.


Credits 1


ASPD 1000

ASPD 3000 : Topics in Prof. Development

Strategies and techniques to enhance students' professional development. Students will reflect on and write about their internship and work experiences to challenge their thinking about the workplace, leadership, and efficiency on the job.


Credits 3