Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)

Degrees and Certificates


AER 1011 : Foundation of US Air Force I

The military as a profession, including: civilian control of U.S. Armed Forces, functions and organization of the U.S. Air Force, organization and operations of U.S. strategic offensive forces.


Credits 1

AER 1021 : Foundation of US Air Force II

The U.S. general purpose and defensive forces including: Mission and organization of the major U.S. Air Force Commands and separate operating agencies, major functions and conduct of joint service military operations. Air defense, detection systems, close air support, and air superiority.


Credits 1

AER 1031 : Evol of USAF Air Space Power I

Aerospace power from balloons and dirigibles through the employment of U.S. air power in World War II. The military theory of aerospace power employment.


Credits 1

AER 1041 : Evol of USAF Air Space Powr II

Employment of U.S. air power in the Korean Conflict, relief missions and civic action programs in the later 1960s, and the war in Southeast Asia. The military theory of aerospace force employment.


Credits 1

AER 2011 : Air Force Leadership Studies I

Managerial theory, concepts and techniques of decision- making, and the basic functions of management with particular emphasis on applications for Air Force officers.


Credits 3

AER 2031 : National Security Affairs I

The Armed forces as an integral and inseparable element of society. Emphasis on the overall national security process and the factors which comprise it. The impact of a nation's military, economic psychological, and technical components on national security policy. Major geopolitical hotspots and the origin of arms races.


Credits 3

AER 2041 : National Security Affairs II

Civilian control of the military, conflict control, military professionalism, and military justice. Emphasis on the reciprocal responsibilities of civilians and the military in a democratic society.


Credits 3