The maximum number of transfer credits allowed toward degree requirements is 60 credits (20 courses) which include AP, Study Abroad, and credits taken at another institution. No more than 5 core business courses may transfer to satisfy business degree requirements.
- Credit will transfer for courses in which grades of “C” (not “C-”) or better have been earned.
- Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade at other institutions: Students are required to have the Registrar (not the professor) at the other institution certify that the “P” or” S” grade represents at least a “C” grade before credit could be granted. In some cases, an addendum to the transcript is required to provide an interpretation of grades.
- Math Credits: Math courses lower than Calculus will not transfer.
- Language Credits: Introductory language courses will not transfer if the student had at least two years of that language in high school. For a language other than that taken in high school, credits will be awarded as humanities elective or free elective.
- Quarter hours: Allocated best way possible, but total credits should not exceed 2/3 of quarter hours eligible.
- No credit is granted for physical education courses.
- Elective credit granted for courses which relate reasonably to a course offered by Villanova.
- Courses from technical schools: School must be regionally accredited and course(s) must relate directly to a Villanova course(s).
- No developmental courses will transfer.
- Courses must be at least 3 semester hours to be considered for transfer.
- All documentation must be submitted during the first-year at Villanova.