Management Information Systems

Degrees and Certificates


MIS 2020 : Prog for Adaptive Prob Solving

Explores a problem solving methodology that employs programming. Emphasis upon identifying capabilities and limitations of the programming approach. Learn skills and techniques to define business problems, design solution processes, develop program specifications, code, debug, and document and defend solutions.


Credits 3


VSB 2006 and VSB 2020 :Y and (VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y)

MIS 2030 : Database Management

Theoretic and practical issues related to the management of a data base in a business environment including: the role of databases and database applications in contemporary organizations; data modeling using entity-relationship models; fundamentals of the relational data model and its implementation with SQL; characteristics of distributed databases and Client/Server data base technologies.


Credits 3


VSB 2006 and VSB 2020 :Y and (VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y)

MIS 2040 : Systems Analysis & Design

Concepts, tools and techniques in the analysis and design of computer-based information systems; major issues and decision making in each phase of the development life cycle, application of creativity and innovation to the practice of systems analysis and design, skills necessary for modeling the data and processing requirements of an information system using an automated development tool, a systems development team project approach.


Credits 3


VSB 2006 and VSB 2020 :Y and (VSB 2009 :Y or VSB 2010 or VSB 2030 :Y and VSB 2040 :Y)

MIS 3010 : Business Data Communications

Introduction of the fundamental concepts and terminology of data communications and networking with respect to technical and managerial aspects including: the fundamentals of telecommunication media and services, topologies and protocols in local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN), the Internet technologies (IP addressing and subnetting), Intranet/extranet applications (VPN and other encryption technologies), new trends and enabling technologies in data communications industry.


Credits 3


MIS 2020 or MIS 2030 or MIS 2040

MIS 3020 : Enterprise Systems & Appl

Management and development enterprise computing concepts and applications in today's organization; integration of information systems in real time for support of internal functions; integration of different E-Commerce front ends with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for extension of their functionality.


Credits 3


VSB 2006 and VSB 2020 and (VSB 2009 or VSB 2010 or VSB 2030 and VSB 2040)

MIS 3030 : Enabling Tech in E-Business

Introduces theory, techniques, and tools needed to build sucessful E-business applications. It includes a survey of business web applications and their underlining technologies. Students learn to use client-side and server-side techniques, such as JavaScript, CGI, and Active Server Page, to building web applications. As a part of the course, students will be required to construct a functional database-driven web application by utilizing the technologies covered in class.


Credits 3


MIS 2020 or MIS 2030 or MIS 2040

MIS 3040 : MIS Seminar

Examination of the tactical, operational and strategic relationships between information technology and business models and processes and the impact on business effectiveness, MIS organization and MIS careers; considerations of integration of technology with business for a more efficient and profitable organization; connection of the pieces and processes of MIS such as communication, data application, system analysis and design, decision science.


Credits 3


MIS 2020 or MIS 2030 or MIS 2040

MIS 3050 : CRM and Data Analytics

Fundamental issues associated with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Data Analytics, theoretical and practical, such as designing and building a data warehouse, building and populating info-cubes, report generation with SAP BW, data mining, business intelligence technologies, and extension of CRM to the Internet.


Credits 3


VSB 2006 and VSB 2020 and (VSB 2009 or VSB 2010 or VSB 2030 and VSB 2040)

MIS 3060 : Bus Intelligence and Perf Mgmt

Examines concepts, processes, and tools related to business intelligence and performance management; learn systematic approaches for identifying business metrics and key performance indicators (KPI); apply data visualization techniques to develop interactive business intelligence applications that transform data into information and insights.


Credits 3


VSB 2006 and VSB 2020 and (VSB 2009 or VSB 2010 or VSB 2030 and VSB 2040)

MIS 3070 : Emerging Business Technologies

This course focuses on the emerging and disruptive business technologies - like augmented reality, intelligent systems, Internet-of-Things and location-based services - likely to impact current and future business models and processes the most.


Credits 3


VSB 2006

MIS 3080 : Applied Machine Learning

Covers use of machine learning algorithms in business decision making and ethical challenges. Involves data preparation & pre-processing, coding and implementation of ML models including regression, forests, nearest neighbor dimensionality reduction along with deeper learning models such as neural networks.


Credits 3


VSB 2006 and MIS 2020

MIS 3090 : Special Topics in MIS

Study of selected topics in MIS. Topics to be announced each semester when the special topics course is offered.


Credits 3

MIS 3300 : AI & Machine Learning for Bus

This course will examine how AI/ML applications in areas such as natural language processing, expert systems, deep learning, vision, speech, planning, and robotics, among others will impact business functions. Will also cover predominant AI/ML platforms and issues surrounding """ethical AI""""."


Credits 3


VSB 2006

MIS 3310 : MIS Internship

Employment with approved business firms where various meaningful assignments are performed with appropriate training, instruction, and supervision.


Credits 3

MIS 3500 : MIS Co-Op

Full-time employment with an approved firm in the area of MIS where experience is gained through appropriate training, instruction, and supervision. Course does not fulfill the requirements of the major. Prerequisite: MIS major with junior status; minimum gpa requirements will vary; approval of DIT Department Chair and Director of Center for Student Advising and Professional Development required.


Credits 6