
Degrees and Certificates


ACC 1101 : Prin of Financial Accounting

Understanding business by being able to understand the financial statements. Accounting concepts, transaction analysis, analytical procedures, valuation and allocation, revenue recognition and expense matching, and cash flow analysis - operating, investing, and financing. Includes appropriate use of technology.


Credits 3


ACC 2020 : Special Topics

Special accounting topics offered in lecture/seminar format. Permission of Department Chair.


Credits 1


VSB 2004 :D-

ACC 2310 : Intermediate Accounting I

Intensive study and application of GAAP for asset valuation, income measurement, and financial statement presentation for business organizations, and the processes through which these principles evolve. Each topic under GAAP compared to IFRS counterpart. Coverage of topics essential to preparing, reading, understanding, interpreting and using financial statements. Extensive reliance on case method.


Credits 3


VSB 2020 :Y :D- and VSB 2004 :D- and (VSB 2009 :Y :D- or VSB 2010 :D- or VSB 2030 :D- and VSB 2040 :D-)

ACC 2320 : Intermediate Accounting II

Continues the intensive study and application of GAAP for asset valuation, income measurement, and financial statement presentation begun in ACC 2310. Selected accounting and consulting issues. Correction of financial statements, income taxes, pensions, segment reporting, cash-flow disclosures, debt issuance and amortization, leases, and investments. As with ACC 2310, each topic under GAAP compared to IFRS counterpart.


Credits 3


ACC 2310 :D-

ACC 2340 : Accounting Information Systems

This course offers both a conceptual overview and hands-on experience with a variety of AIS related material. Topics covered include: Semantic modeling and event driven accounting information systems (AIS); development, documentation, control and audit of AIS, with particular reference to the COBIT framework; an overview of XBRL and its role in financial reporting; the use of database management software and accounting software in developing modern AIS.


Credits 3


ACC 2310 :D-

ACC 2360 : Federal Income Tax

Explore tax-policy issues and develop a basic understanding of federal income tax laws, tax planning, and the impact of taxes on business decisions. Restricted to Accounting majors and minors and Business Law minors. Must be junior or senior standing.


Credits 3


VSB 2004 and VSB 2009 :Y and VSB 2014 :Y

ACC 2410 : Accounting for Real Estate

Accounting for both private and public real estate entities, acquisitions, development, operations, dispositions, impairments and fair value implications of real estate transactions and ownership.


Credits 3


ACC 2310 :D-

ACC 2420 : International Accounting

Examines a variety of international accounting issues, including international financial accounting standards; consolidation of international operations; auditing standards and procedures; managerial accounting systems for planning, control, and performance measurement; political, legal, and cultural influences on accounting and transfer pricing. This course can be applied toward the international course requirement and in VSB's Master of Accountancy Program.


Credits 3


ACC 2310

ACC 2430 : Auditing

Auditing standards employed in verification of and reporting on financial statements, evaluation of controls, statistical sampling, substantive testing, legal liability and professional responsibilities, and professional standards of ethics. Includes written and oral group case assignments and application of computer technology. Restricted to Accounting majors and minors.


Credits 3


ACC 2310 :D- and ACC 2320 :Y :D-

ACC 2435 : Advanced Auditing

Increased regulatory requirements, globalization, and advances in data analytics are driving substantial changes in the complexity and challenges facing today's auditors. Auditors must understand and respond to such changes in order to fulfill their responsiblities as stewards of public trust. This course is designed to immerse students in emerging practice issues, with a focus on the exploration of data analytics tools, current regulatory themes, relevant audit research, and practitioner insights in the public company audit context.


Credits 3


ACC 2430

ACC 2450 : Advanced Accounting

Theories and techniques used for specialized accounting problems, with emphasis on business combinations, consolidations, multinational corporations, not-for-profit entities partnerships, and issues related to solvency and liquidation and financial fraud. Restricted to Accounting majors and minors.


Credits 3


ACC 2310 and ACC 2320 :Y

ACC 2470 : Cost Accounting

Introduction to modern cost accounting systems and the accounting information needs of managers, including: costing approaches (job-order process, standard, and absorption); cost behavior analysis; differential costs for decision-making; activity-based costing (ABC) and activity-based management (ABM); performance evaluation; and, issues related to quality. Group work and case analysis (both oral and written) required. Restricted to Accounting majors and minors with Senior standing.


Credits 3


ACC 2310 :D- and (VSB 3006 :D- or VSB 2014 :D-)

ACC 2480 : Advanced Taxes

Advanced federal income tax topics and issues pertaining to individuals, partnerships, corporations, and estates and trusts. Emphasis on tax planning and tax research.


Credits 3


ACC 2310 :D- and ACC 2360 :D-

ACC 3350 : Fraud Examination

The focus of the course is on the pervasiveness and causes of fraud, methods for investigating fraud within organizations, and what organizations can do to prevent and detect fraud. The successful completion of the course provides a basic understanding of various types of fraud, the fraud triangle, fraud prevention and internal control, fraud detection and investigaion techniques, financial statement fraud, fraud against organizations, bankruptcy and divorce fraud, fraud in e-commerce, and the legal elements and resolution of fraud.


Credits 3


ACC 2430 :Y :D-

ACC 3430 : Accounting Internship

Employment with approved accounting firms and business organizations; varied work experience with appropriate training, instruction, and supervision. Paper required. Restricted to Accounting majors and minors with junior or senior standing, a minimum GPA of 2.5, and approval of the Accounting Internship Director. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.


Credits 3

ACC 3460 : Accounting Internship-Spring

Full-time employment with approved accounting firm or other business organizations; varied work experience with appropriate training, instruction, and supervision. Does not fulfill major requirement; satisfies one free elective only. Permission of Accounting Department.


Credits 6

ACC 3470 : Accounting Co-Op

Full-time employment with an approved firm in the area of Accounting where experience is gained through appropriate training, instruction, and supervision. Course does not fulfill the requirements of the major. Prerequisite: Accounting major with junior status; minimum GPA requirements will vary. Approval of Accounting Department Chair required.


Credits 6