ITA 1111 : Introductory Italian I
Groundwork in Italian, including oral proficiency, aural comprehension and reading for students with no prior knowledge of Italian. Supplementary language laboratory work and oral drills.
Groundwork in Italian, including oral proficiency, aural comprehension and reading for students with no prior knowledge of Italian. Supplementary language laboratory work and oral drills.
Groundwork in Italian, including oral proficiency, aural comprehension and reading for students. Supplementary language laboratory work and oral drills.
A beginner's journey into the Italian language emphasizing reading and writing. This course cultivates basic communication abilities, setting the stage for ongoing Italian education.
Progressing from Foundations in Italian I, this course enhances linguistic expertise in reading and writing. Students amplify conversational capacities, delve into complex grammar, and uncover regional distinctions. Aimed to fortify foundational skills, propelling students toward intermediate coursework.
Review of grammar, composition, reading and conversation. Students should have completed ITA 1111 and 1112 or the equivalent.
Review of grammar, composition, reading and conversation. Students should have completed ITA 1121 or the equivalent.
Intensive practice in conversation and composition with emphasis on developing advanced language skills in Italian.
Further practice in conversation and composition with focus on advanced proficiency in Italian. Students should have completed ITA 1131 or the equivalent.
History and cultures of modern Italy with attention to notions of youth and aging.
Contemporary Italian culture, politics, geography, and art, with emphasis on conversation skills.
An itinerary through the different cultures and histories of Italian regions.
Intensive practice of spoken and written Italian.
ITA 1131 :D-
Study of Italian culture through the postwar to today through its song.
Intensive practice in written expression and textual analysis. Compositions are modeled on selected Italian texts.
An overview of contemporary Italy from the perspective of business (leading brands, productive sectors, marketing strategies, financial trends, law and politics).
ITA 1131
Readings in fiction, verse and drama representing various literary currents and personalities from the Renaissance to modern times.
ITA 1131
Study of modern short narrative forms and practice of creative storytelling in Italian.
ITA 1131
An introduction to Italian history through its major works of art (from the middle ages to the present). Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
Introduction to Italian literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. A required course for majors. Pre-requisite: ITA 1131 or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Introduction to Italian literature and culture from the Baroque to the 20th century. A required course for majors. Pre-requisite: ITA 1131 or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Introduction to the cinematographic and literary images of Italians and Italian-Americans, from the discovery of the new world to the present.
ITA 1131
The interaction of musical performance and poetry (from opera to contemporary songwriting) and the role of music in Italian society. Pre-requisite: ITA 1131 or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Literature and art dealing with eroticism and relationships. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
The famous Italian puppet from Collodi's original masterpiece to contemporary reinventions in cinema, theatre, and design. Pre-reqs 1131 to 1999 or permission.
A selection of masterpieces of Italian poetry from the origins to the present. Pre-requisite: ITA 1131 or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Topics include sustainability, ecology, and animals. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
The course addresses issues of identity related to diversity mainly gender, but also race in modern Italy. Pre-requisite: ITA 1131 or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
An introduction to the literary works of 20th century giant Italian literature Italo Calvino Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
Seminar on Boccaccio's story collection Decameron, with emphases on eroticism, gender, censorship. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission
Seminar on Petrarch's Canzoniere, with attention to notions of personal and social crisis. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
A reading of Italy's most important work of prose, the 19th century novel I promessi sposi by Alessandro Manzoni. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
Seminar on the masterpieces of the Italian theatrical tradition (from opera to contemporary theatre). Pre-reqs 1130-1999 or permission.
Survey of Italian culture and history through its pop music in 20th and 21st c. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
An anthology of Italian short stories with a peculiar attention on storytelling techniques. Pre-req 1131-1999 or permission.
An exploration of different forms of Italian beauty in architecture, visual arts, design, fashion, music, and literary imagination.
An overview of contemporary Italy from the perspective of business (leading brands, productive sectors, marketing strategies, financial trends, law and politics). Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
Students may receive up to 3 credits for an internship experience in an Italian business, non-profit, government agency, museum, or an Italian cultural association. Approval of the Italian Coordinator is required. Pre-requisite: ITA 1131 or authorization of instructor.
ITA 1131
Reading and staging of a theatrical piece in Italian. The course includes grammar review, critical interpretation and production of the text. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
A critical introduction to the masterpieces of the Italian cinema from DeSica and Fellini to Tornatore and Sorrentino. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
A study of Italian history and culture with an emphasis on film, painting, and architecture. In Italian. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
The practicum gives qualified students the opportunity to work as teaching assistants in level appropriate courses under the supervision of a faculty member. Tasks will vary based on level and course, but may include working with students on writing, leading activities or discussion, and helping students with homework, language learning, or research. By permission.
The contribution and role of Italy in the European politics, economy, and culture, from its making as a nation to the present. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Seminar on diversity, gender, race in literature. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
A selection of masterpieces of Italian theatre, from the Renaissance to modern times. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Introduction to Italian opera from Monteverdi to Verdi and Puccini. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Advanced study of topics of special interest in Italian literary and/or cultural studies. May be repeated for credit if topic changes. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Advanced study of expressions of beauty as manifested in Italian Culture (Literature, Art, Philosophy, Design, and Commerce). Offered in Italian. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
Seminar on Dante's Comedy, a poem about faith, personhood, and community. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
Selected readings in Italian from Dante's masterpiece. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
A survey of Italian literature from the early modern age through the present focusing on the theme of travel and exploration. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
Seminar about spirituality, metal health, meditation, and drugs in Italy. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
The major works of Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Writers, artists, intellectuals of the Humanistic age and of the Renaissance. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
The cultural and entrepreneurial language of Italian design in the 20th Century. Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
A multi-disciplinary itinerary on the Italian 20th century avantgarde of Futurism (in literature, painting, theatre, and design). Pre-reqs 1131-1999 or permission.
An introduction to the poetics and the main artists of the Italian Baroque. Caravaggio, Bernini, Galileo, Marino, Vico, commedia dell'arte, opera. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
An overview of Italy's culture in the 18th and 19th centuries: neo-Classicism, Romanticism (Foscolo, Leopardi, Manzoni) and Risorgimento. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Literature and art of the 20th century. Futurism, avant-gardes, Pirandello, De Chirico, Calvino and postmodernism. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Concentrated study on one aspect of Italian literature chosen by the instructor. Immersion in primary and secondary materials and introduction to principles and techniques of literary research and bibliography ultimately leading to the writing of the research paper. Required for majors. Open to all advanced students. Pre-requisite: Any ITA course at the 2000 level or authorization from instructor.
ITA 1131
Directed semester-long research project that satisfies the College research requirement, taken in conjunction with another upper-level ITA content course. Pre-requisite: ITA 2220, ITA 2221 or approval from the ITA coordinator.
ITA 2220 and ITA 2221
Advanced study of expressions of beauty as manifested in Italian Culture Literature, Art, Philosphy, Design, and Commerce. May be repeated for credit if topic changes. Taught in English