LAW 6257 :
Selected Topics Corp Litig

**Prerequisite: Business Organizations (LAW 7110); May be taken concurrently.** This seminar examines issues arising in corporate litigation. This year, the course will focus on stockholder litigation, beginning with an introduction to recent trends and noteworthy case law. Topics may include the judicial standard of review in stockholder litigation, aiding and abetting liability, appraisal rights, and forum selection bylaws.* Students will be required to prepare a substantial research paper, as defined by the Law School's research paper requirements, and to present the paper to the class. Students will be evaluated based on the quality of the final paper and the satisfactory performance and timely completion of milestone assignments for the paper, as well as thoughtful class participation.* **Exam Info:** No Exam


LAW 7110 :Y



Credits 2

Last Offered

Fall 2016