LAW 7145 :

This class will be meeting on Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 pm to 4 pm at PPS Riverside at State Road and Cottman Avenue In Philadelphia. Application form to this program can be downloaded forms/inside_out_form_2013_pdf.pdf here. Please submit completed form to Class members will need to be at the prison at 1 pm in order to be processed in. Designed on the model pioneered by the National Inside - Out Prison Exchange Center, based at Temple University, the course is designed to promote work across "profound social barriers" to generate deep insights into a much broader spectrum of aspects of criminal law, criminal procedure, and sentencing than is covered by the traditional law school courses in those subject areas. Class members will include equal numbers of Villanova Law Students and women students from PPS Riverside. The course aims to enable acquiring knowledge and skills that equip students from Inside and Outside the prison to generate socially transformative projects with real-world usefulness, and to take active professional roles in addressing contemporary problems in crime, punishment, victimization, and justice, restorative or otherwise. It has a special focus on exploring what differentiates successful preparation for re-entry to the community outside the prison by people serving sentences of imprisonment from that which ends in recidivism. The mission of Inside-Out is based on the belief that: "by studying together and working on issues of crime, justice, and related social concerns, those of us inside and outside of prison can catalyze the kinds of changes that will make our communities more inclusive, just, and socially sustainable." Its pedagogy emphasizes collaborative learning and problem-solving, and class members will work together to produce a group project capable of use in the "real world" to achieve social change.



Credits 3

Last Offered

Fall 2013, Spring 2012