Withdrawal from a Course

Students are allowed to withdraw from a course, without academic penalty, until a date published each year by the Registrar and receive the grade of “WX”. The WX form can be found in the VSB Undergraduate Forms in myNOVA.

In extreme cases, permission to withdraw without academic penalty may be given after the authorized date. It requires a non-academic related reason. The procedures to process a WX form after the authorized date are as follows:

  • A student must complete the WX form found on myNOVA with valid reasons, such as serious personal or medical problems. Supporting docu­mentation, such as doctor’s notes or health center records, is required.
  • The student must also obtain authorizing signatures from the instructor of the course, the Chair of the Academic Department, and The Clay Center at VSB in order to complete the withdrawal form. Each of the three parties has the option of approving or disapproving the withdrawal based on the reasons provided. The Associate Dean of VSB has the final authority for granting or refusing the exception on the basis of the documentation and the signatures submitted.

Students who do not have a justifiable cause to withdraw from a course after the authorized date may still withdraw from the course and receive a grade of “W”. The grade of “W” is equivalent to an “F” grade and is included in computing the student’s grade point average (GPA) and technical grade point average (TGPA) if appropriate.

Students wishing to withdraw from the internship course must contact the designated O’Donnell Center contact prior to the withdrawal (WX) deadline. See the Withdraw/Termination of an Academic Internship/CoOp section under the O'Donnell Center for Professional Developments for the specific procedures.