Study Abroad

VSB students are encouraged to participate in the study abroad experience. The Office of Education Abroad (OEA) assists students in identifying opportunities and facilitating the enrollment process. 

Application deadlines
Spring study abroad: October 15
Fall study abroad: April 15
Summer study abroad: April 1

Students must have a 2.75 GPA or higher. Full time status and sophomore, junior, or first semes­ter senior standing is required. Students may not apply for or participate in a study abroad while on academic or disciplinary probation. Transfer students must have completed three semesters at Villanova prior to participating in an overseas program.

Prior approval is required. The Prior Approval form, available in OEA must be signed by OEA and The Clay Center at VSB. Transfer credit will not be granted for any course that has not received prior approval.

While abroad, students may take no more than three business courses in a given semester; no more than two courses may satisfy the requirements for one major. For the Business Analytics only one course may transfer to satisfy the co-major requirements. No more than one course may satisfy requirements for one minor. Four of the six required courses for each major and two of the required three courses for each minor must be taken at Villanova. Accounting courses may not be taken abroad for accounting credit. All cours­es require a grade of “C” or better for credits to transfer. Actual grades are not calculated in the GPA. Students must request an official transcript to be sent to the Office of Education Abroad.

Here are policies regarding taking language elsewhere – including study abroad:

  • A student takes an introductory language course abroad, and they have taken at least 2 years of that language in high school (no language course taken at Villanova): The language course will not fulfill any degree requirement.
  • A student takes a language course abroad that is equivalent to a course that they have already taken at Villanova: No transfer credit will be awarded.
  • A student takes a language course abroad that is a lower level than what they have tested into at VU OR lower level than the most recent language course taken at VU: No transfer credit will be awarded.

Students are not permitted to enroll in distance learning classes while participating in a study abroad experience (fall, spring, summer).

Note: The maximum transfer credits allowed are 60 credits (or 20 courses) which including AP, Study Abroad, and credits taken at another institution.