The requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree are:
Completion of all core curriculum requirements, academic major course requirements, and elective requirements for the degree with an overall cumulative quality point average (QPA) of not less than 2.00 and a cumulative technical quality point average of not less than 2.00.
For transfer students, no more than 60 credits (20 courses) may be transferred into a program including AP, transfer, and study abroad. At least 50 percent of the business core credit hours must be earned at Villanova University; no more than 22 credits will transfer to satisfy business core classes.
The final 30 credit hours of a student’s academic program must be completed at Villanova (residency requirement). With permission of the Associate Dean, a student may study abroad during the first semester of senior year.
Discharge of all financial obligations to Villanova University.
Students are responsible for the degree requirements in effect at the time of their initial enrollment. If they are formally readmitted to VSB, they must meet the requirements of their new graduating class. Transfer students’ degree requirements are determined at time of transfer.
A student’s eligibility for graduation is determined by the Dean. NOTE: it is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for graduation are met.
Students accepted to the Honors Program may earn the Bachelor of Business Administration, Honors degree by successfully completing the following degree requirements:
- Complete ten (10) 3 cr. Honors courses plus VSB 2121 Business Scholars Seminar (1 cr.). At least four (4) of ten (10) 3 cr. Honors courses must be a VSB Honors course:
- VSB 1015 Business Dynamics
- At least one of the following five required VSB courses must be an Honors course.
- VSB 2004 Financial Accounting
- VSB 2007 Corporate Responsibility & Regulation
- VSB 2008 Business Analytics
- VSB 2009 Principles of Finance
- VSB 2014 Principles of Managerial Accounting
- VSB 3900 Innovation and Design
- VSB 4002 Strategic Thinking and Implementation
- Complete all major courses, core requirements, and elective requirements, and earn at least of 126 credit hours.
- Must achieve a minimum of 3.33 cumulative GPA and meet the minimum required technical GPA requirement.
Upon successful completion of VSB 2121, students will have an opportunity to serve as a research associate with a VSB professor for up to three years.
VSB students will be permitted to bundle three one-credit colloquia to fulfill one Honors requirement with the understanding that the bundle does not fulfill any VSB degree requirements (e.g., free electives, etc.). Therefore, the “bundle” will only count towards the number of Honors courses taken but would be in addition to the 126 credits required to graduate with an VSB Honors degree.
Below are the current course numbers that can be bundled for Honors credit:
HON 5001 – Shaping a College Life
HON 5003 – Shaping a Work Life Note: HON 5003 can only be bundled when not satisfying VSB 2000
HON 5305 – Colloquia (various topics)
HON 5490 – Culture Leadership Workshop
HON 6003 – Integrative Capstone
In addition to the course requirements, students will be presented with opportunities to engage with faculty, staff, corporate partners and alumni through a range of personal and professional development offerings. The goal is to provide Honors students with opportunities and challenging intellectual engagement across three areas at VSB:
- VSB Honors Classes
- Intellectual Engagement (research and other faculty engagement)
- Targeted Professional Development Opportunities