LAW 7175 :
Interntl Ocean Law and Policy

International Ocean Law and Policy The world's oceans and seas cover two-thirds of the Earth's surface and have been used for, among other things, navigation, commerce, security and defense, mineral extraction and living resource exploitation for most of human history. This course will analyze the regulation, management and governance of the world's oceans and seas by focusing on applicable international institutions and instruments with specific emphasis on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (the "Convention") and the decisions of applicable international tribunals. The course will explore the history and foundational principles of the law of the sea; bilateral, regional, and global agreements that supplement the Convention; contemporary ocean issues such as resource and environmental protection, high seas marine protected areas and impacts of global warming on Polar regions; and their respective underlying policy rationales and implications. Students will be provided with an understanding of maritime boundaries, jurisdiction, rights and duties of states, law enforcement and conflict resolution. Exam Info: TBD



Credits 2

Last Offered

Fall 2018