Human Services


HS 3600 : Life Skills Planning

Determination of personal and professional life goals from the perspective of one's own strengths and weaknesses. Helping others in the process of selecting career paths and developing self and peer helping skills. Recommended for undergraduate students interested in the decision-making factors in career selections.


Credits 3

HS 3700 : Human Service Systems

Organizational structures, trends and influences that impact Human Services Systems. Special emphasis upon managed care and case management as well as Human Resource Development.


Credits 3

HS 3900 : Human Services Ind. Study

Supervised research or field experience project and paper. Students may only register for this class once, and it cannot take the place of any Human Service course requirements.


Credits 3

HS 4000 : Seminar Human Services

Integration of the theoretical and practical aspects of the student's program.


Credits 3


HS 2000 :D- and HS 2100 :D- and HS 3000 :D- and HS 3100 :D-


HS 4100 : Pract Human Services

Application of human service skills gained in the program through volunteer service in a community organization and structured peer counseling. The on-campus seminar will focus on tapes and case study material.


Credits 6