Academic Bankruptcy

First Year:

The Academic Standing Committee may allow a first-year student to declare academic bankruptcy and repeat the semester or academic year with a new start on the cumulative average (though a record of the grades will remain on the transcript). Bankruptcy for first-year students is for full semesters and cannot be applied to individual courses. Students must successfully complete two consecutive semesters in the CLAS and attain a minimum GPA of 2.50 each semester before they are eligible to request bankruptcy of their first semester or first year.

New Degree Programs:

Internal transfer students and students who have switched degree programs within the CLAS may be permitted to bankrupt individual courses from their previous program that do not apply to their new curriculum and are not needed to complete free elective requirements. Only grades of D, D- or F are considered. Applications will be considered during a student's first semester of the senior year. Bankrupted courses will remain on the student’s transcript but will be excluded from the calculation of the GPA and earned credit hours. Students must petition the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Students for the exclusion.

Once a course has been bankrupted the action is permanent and cannot be reversed. In no case will tuition be refunded.