Academic Advising

Starting as a first-year student, each individual is assigned an academic advisor. The academic advisor is a full-time faculty member of the department of the student’s major. If the individual continues with the major to which they were admitted as an incoming student, their faculty advisor will remain unchanged for the full term of the program, with a few exceptions. Thus, it is incumbent upon students to get to know their academic advisor. The academic advisor can help students adjust to university life or point them in the right direction for answers. Students must consult with their advisor at least once a semester during preregistration to ensure proper course selection and advancement in the academic program. The academic advisor can assist in helping students select minors and concentrations, and answer questions about career choices, internships, postgraduation employment and graduate school. It is important to note that while a student’s academic advisor may be called upon for assistance in making decisions, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to understand the requirements of the chosen degree program and to plan for the orderly fulfillment of graduation requirements. To this end, at preregistration time each semester, academic advisors will provide students with up-to-date summaries of the courses they have taken and will be required to take in the future to obtain the target degree.